Feedback - So i got sorc and barb to 25 and necro not so much

General observations
The beginning
After making your character you get a choice of wich mode you want to play, i played D1, D2, D3 and now D4 and well we all( group of friends) have been drinking so we go veteran, clearly
As you will read if you keep reading i found that at some pont things got to be OP so will i ever look ar the adventurer mode? prob not

The Sorc

I started with sorc and that was a disaster at the beginning, hardly could do anything just look at me and i die, then i find out about the option to have lets say blizzard go off automatic… O hello survivibilty, now i can go on and do damage and jump around, its starts feeling like a character, one that needs work, alot of work, i am prob doing somethng wrong. But that is the fun right? Added some hydra and some other cold skills and we are cracking… then 25…oh…o well next :smiley:

The barb

As nice as the sorc looks so ugly is the barb…Its like (sorc) im in the year 5095 and it all looks so pretty and then i go ( barb) i bck in time to the caves…he looks clunky, feels clucky untill i go with the gear dictating my build, i find a lowish lvl epic amu that gives me +1 to defencive screaming, well combined with frenzy and all the sceaming skill i can put on my bar…off i go, apperantly the combination with a ton of live makes me kind of unkilleble… well about that…Now im having fiun, running in everywhere and even running into a strong hold lvl 25 at lvl 22, didnt give me to much hassle exept for the boss… hmm k fair …25 before i knew it… nice


What were you thinking here, Did you run into a door and then thought; "Hmm roque… oh yes…
Can do a bow…oh nice hunter… but not really right, cant really do that little extrea that makes it OP, wich is what everyone really wants So something else with the bow… traps… yea hate them, that is just not for me… then knives… wait dont we have something like that in Wow too… yes we do…
bummer… well fine ill go with what the gear tells me then… sadly to say, did not get that far so that is a to be continued

Mayor stupid… Barb cannot do its barb quest… that is just bad… seriously get your stuff together.
I like the potions system, the how do we get to pick it up if needed and leave it if not, the way it tells you is nice too

Opening up the skills system is ehh well its to big, not in the options to choose but beeing able to see it in one screen is nice, this drives me nuts… im autistic like that :slight_smile:

I love the open world gameplay and the scaling if you play with others from a diffent lvl, the porting to and having your world changed quests wise breaks things, alot I ended up redoing the prologe 4 times on 1 character… really…

Damage wording
Item gives damage to closer enemy…item does extra damage to enemy’s far way…What??? me not compute…im not 3 anymore, can we pls do this a little more autistic?
Like +10 to bleed damage or +% of life into firedamage duration, something like that… thank you

With every character specialy in the begining its hard to generate whatever your using. So you do a whirlwind for example, (ofc inmediatly when you have the skill by lvl points) and then you stand there staying alive, maby, and hammering away like a idiot on crack and if you fail its ‘face down, booty up’ and off you go repair… again…
Needs a little adjusting maby

The Layout of houses and dungeons or caves… its all the same…well that must have been a copy-paste fest… well done, now can we pls add some different ones inthere? cause this gets boring fast, it feels repeditive.

The UI
Must be a personal taste thing i guess but its horrible to me, and may i pls redo it to my ow taste? i dont need big balls taking up my screen to see if im dieing, a bar will do

Level scaling
No just no
Whatever your thinking is you failed
Lets say your at the start, it should be the easiest right and not like if you hit 25 and you been everywhere and go bck everything is still 25 or harder
For those that are new to this ( that would be everyone since this is a new game…doh ) it is nice when you feel like your struggeling you can go back to an area that is easier, slower but easier

As friends do you make a char to start running togther, after a while of various deaths here and there we have the folowing, lets say we are talking lvl 10; the barb depeding on the build , can stay alive easier and do massive amounts of damages, sorc no hydra yet so struggeling to stay alive and do dmage, a little so and so, the necro…well hunter so stands there, shoots and that was that, doesnt hit a dent i molten butter, but here we are

I do like the diabl;o 4 items compaired to diablo3, not talking set here but yellows and lego’s they have nice things… most of the time

The last off all…Cut scenes, could be a bug but some you cant skipp… felt like Final fantasy at some pojnt… after seing it 4 times i know them by hard…so… coffee…

So to sum this up the question becommes this;

Is this game( and i understand its just the beta and only act one, alot could come stiill) worth 100 bucks?

Simply compaired to what we can choose from, like wow or everything esle on the market, this is to expensivetake of 30 bucks accros the different versions and then yes, ( its an inflationthing)

My two cents

So basically you hated everything about the game? It sounds like Diablo isn’t the game for you, sorry bud.

Not at all, not sure where that came oput, but i have a barb which is amazing, a sorc that became amazing and a necro tha needs work, i already paid so i will enjoy it:)
I just gave my two cents

Lets refraise this a little
I like everyone else payed alot to be here , we took a change in the hopes it would be good and it was… mostly.
Like a ton of people, we started off with trying to kill the 1st monster 'Que" foillowed by his brothers [insert an error number here]

Whoops… no, did not pay for that, i specifically payed to early acces, not for stresstest my servers
Then when we got in, we get to play and overall it had a really expectational full feeling about it, the whole weekend. For me it was a feeling of… oh new, lets find out too lets see how far i can push this, overall my fun in a game tbh, min-max, numbercrushing i do it i all games if possible…Granted; ‘does damage to close by enemies’ does not do it for me
But the overall new area’s to find and figure things out I wish i had more time, cant wait till next weekend, but the points above i noticed, meaning i thought it may be good to write it down