[Feedback] - Only Quality of Life (QoL) suggestions

From my scribble notes taken while playing the D4 beta


  1. Add a party recruitment tab/Party Finder. Say, a bill board at a town tavern, town square, guild building, or at least accessible from a menu tab.
  2. Add a Quest Tab/ World Event Calendar tab, where you can keep track of world events and their local time countdowns
  3. Add Event Planner attached to Event Calendar, feature to set a reminder alarm for events you want to attend with their timers.
  4. Allow us to save our communication rose settings to all other characters on our account. Currently we have to set up the emote/quick bar manually for all characters.
  5. Allow players to choose a Title that is prefix- or suffix only, not both. So, not “Unfettered Drifter” but just “Drifter”.
  6. Add a rare travelling vendor that moves across overworld randomly that sells rare ingredients (like “fiendrose” that is needed for enchanting affixes, but only available during hell tide)
  7. Add export option for saved build presets to external databank, social media, or friend message (like in HotS).
  8. Make “inspect player” able to see some of their skill build too.
  9. Add model talking animation on vendor window. They move, and talk but mouths aren’t animated.


  1. Add practice dummies in a section of town (damage gauge for build/rotation testing).
  2. Evading when standing over the ladder/jumping terrain should do a dodge if mouse cursor isn’t over the footsteps icon. Some ladders had this problem.
  3. Add Ability to use potion on ladder (panic saves and DoT).
  4. Add Ability to cancel going down ladder within the first 0.75 sec of descent/ascent if you’ve made a mistake, by double clicking “interact”.
  5. Add Option to disable potion sound from allies/raid members (12 people doing a world boss all “blurbing” potions loudly ruins the immersion).
  6. Add Option to disable excessive item/cooldown voice prompts; ie. “It’s not ready”, or relay it with a sound effect, ie. a tick.
  7. Reset deathblow cooldown if the target dies when the animation initiates. Sometimes it dies mid-swing animation and Deathblow goes on cooldown.

3) UI

  1. Make Area name labels, event complete label (“EVENT COMPLETED”) overlay at the top of screen able to be dismissed or made transparent- it covers a 3rd of the screen while you’re mid-fight :rage:.
  2. Add function to hide Quest summary under minimap.
  3. Add Health bar indicator to show 80% Life (a mark/horizontal line) - Important to know where Bubble shield buff activates, or where you are in “Healthy” 80%+ range to apply certain buffs.
  4. Add Party Stat breakdown after boss fights, and world boss fights- display to all members the top damage and CC (stagger bar) contributors. Something to compete for.
  5. Add in-game clock showing time of day/night :clock2:. Announce morning and evening with a rooster cockadoodle/ wolf howl (Warcraft 3 feature, optional).
  6. Some aspect modifiers do not have status effect icons.
  7. Remove “IMMUNE” status effect (bug) over enemies, and add function for selective status effects (I dont want to see “TAUNT” + Skull icon covering the screen if using “Challenging shout” in a big group of enemies).
  8. Add function to rescale or move action bar, not just “center or left”.
  9. Add separate tab for character “stats”.

4) MAP

  1. Tabbing in and out of map should resume/keep the same location and zoom as before being tabbed out, not reset automatically to character location.
  2. Add Ability to ping map for allies with warning, and waypoint signals.
  3. Add function to highlight your own position indicator on Tab map, and also ping your own location to party.
  4. Add function to lable waypoints on map, or have different waypoints active at the same time with different colours like BotW.
  5. Add highlighted icon on Tab map to show exit portal that connects you to the town from where you teleported.
  6. Add a clear indication on world map which dungeons have been completed, not just a recent and expiring green check mark. When you load back into game you don’t know where you’ve been by just looking at the map.
  7. Make it obvious that players can zoom out to Overworld map from the dungeon map.


  1. Separate body and face tattoos.
  2. Separate earrings from nose rings.
  3. Add function to change hairstyle in wardrobe, or at a vendor that can provide this service like FF14. Keeps things fresh and we don’t have to remake a character to get a new hairstyle.
  4. Add “SNAPSHOT MODE” for wardrobe to export fashion photo and share on social media. (Potentially add emotes to this mode).
  5. Add Ability to set default character that greets you in the main menu showcase background, seems to be the last character you create/use.
  6. Make Rogue able to hide bow on back. Can show “unequipped look” in wardrobe, but upon “confirm” re-equips bow, so might be bugged.


  1. Add an optional (“don’t show this message again :white_check_mark:”) CONFIRM prompt on gem drops. If you missclick it costs 5k gold to remove that gem.
  2. Add option for players to salvage the transmog of an item that gets an aspect imprinted onto it, and thereby changes the look of item when it gets upgraded to legendary. This has robbed some from the desired transmog without warning.
  3. Add text window that shows what slots that aspect can occupy before extraction. Sometimes you extract an aspect only to realize the aspect will not be placed on gloves, but only weapons.
  4. Clicking outside of Character Window (C) should automatically close it (optional). Makes quick view and quick move possible, especially if you accidentally tap it in battle.
  5. Add a “confirm” prompt on skill point reassignment so that you can reassign points without having to free up other supporting nodes before migrating them to a new supporting node. (Let players lift skill points and put them down again without having to temporarily refund points).
  6. Add Drag-select/ window select function for multiple items in inventory.
  7. Add a Preset loadout tab for skill point assignments, I assume this is coming, but a saved list of aspects at time of build would help too. Make it exportable too.
  8. Add function to lock in item text tab of a particular item so that it stays up while cycling through other items for comparison by mouseover.
  9. Add function to, eg. “Press ALT” on item window over an aspect to instantly highlight all other items in inventory that have the same aspect for quick locating.

“Precious stones to catch da light”


Another bit that could be nice as a member of a large discord server that would fill my friends list and clan in mins not giving enough space for all so a way to get up a game instance reference so you can join into peoples instances of the game to join them if then need a hand with something boss related ect. Bit like getting someone’s game name and password in D2 to kill there d clone or Ubers for them as an example

Dude, nice list! I think I liked most of them, there isint really one that I disliked just a few i didn’t really have an opinion on. It almost makes me wonder how these are not already implemented into the game yet. I especially liked the one idea for the Party Stat breakdown, would be nice to see like a window after completing a content that shows who did what the best or least. Hopefully devs will see this. NICEUH!!

This could be bad, that will lead to kicking players for not playing the “meta” just by inspecting. Toxic behaviour.

The most QoL I need is the pressing tab and having the map overlay LIKE EVERY OTHER DIABLO GAME, and being able to move.

Other than that:

  • A better party UI and LFG tool.
  • A summoning stone/portal shortcut to teleport to the dungeon if you’re on the other side of the map when in party.
  • Better whisper notification (most of the time I couldn’t see when one of my friends was whispering me to play with them, notification and chat box hidden makes you miss a lot)
  • World General chat so I can read barrens chat and don’t feel lonely while leveling.
  • No trading, at all.
  • An option for Chad PC users to zoom out and not being ultra zoomed in like the console peasants.
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Don’t wanna say where that’s from for fear of the ire of purists.
However it does give you some parallel goal to strive for and compete with others for thatll make even boring bosses keep your attention (Ashava was way too easy, felt bad for going out of my way to the far east to bully her)

Chat was bugged? my local chat didnt work.

I’m on the other end of the spectrum with this one
If I have a friend who can play as much as me and I keep stuff for my class why can I not give it to them when I upgrade
Makes no sense to me as one of my favourite things is helping out others as and when I can

Yeah I mean at the same time it would be great if there was trading but I think the big problem with that is the RMTing that will cause players to spend real money to get certain things on online trading websites. I honestly dont know whats a good compromise here, even if you make it trade only amongst friends, RMT accounts will just add them as friends then trade. At this point I’m just leaving it up to blizz, trading or no trading idk whatever i guess.

If people want to buy items for what ever reason who am I to judge them
Would I rather the didn’t of course
But that person who is working 70h a week and get limited time to play and they can lvl but not put the hours in to grind the RNG lottery but still want to enjoy the endgame or pvp technically it keeps more players playing

The problem is the same as always, you want trading for the good side of things, while others will monetize the living crap out of everything they can.

And this game will have PVP so what stops people stomping others just by swiping their credit cards?

It’s just choosing the lesser evil, I would rather ban every form of trading instead of having the game infested by all the bad things trading brings.

I dont care what other players are buying i want to trade with my wife and friend. This feature is non-negotiable.

This is actually available.

Other than that, I didn’t find anything I disagreed with.

Give PC players the option to put the chat window in its normal bottom left position.

Normalized arena PvP modes helps tone this down.
Additionally, fields of hatred PvP is likely to be a mess for a long time, but you can be sure that players are going to form their own tournaments in D4 overworld PvP by locking down a server and hosting their own rules with clans and duels in certain areas. If Blizzard pay attention then hopefully we get a duel function as well, soon after launch. Your “Inspect player” tab has a “Challenge to a Duel” option on it and a ring forms around you two if they accept. This is why Inspect player needs more details on the tab maybe. If you challenge another then you can get your quick PvP fix anywhere in the world and it’s up to the players, no one can be angry

Turn off or put the voice prompts on a cooldown of sorts?

Can’t hurt to have this, and rescale chat window too.

Yeah, there was an option to turn off the stupid “I cant use that yet” message. Went into the options to look for it right after hearing it for the first time.

Nice ideas here have a upvote blizz should look at this qol

Yeah I don’t see why either. It’s awful and feels out of place on the right side. It gets in the way of your inventory. Only thing I can think of is the console UI has skills in bottom left corner so that’s why chat box is where it is, but that’s not a problem for PC so give us the option. Console doesn’t have MKB support so no one’s going to type in console chat anyway, we already saw this happen with D2R

I’ll add my QOL suggestion here too;

Add Pets to pick up ALL items.

I don’t want it turned off, I want a longer cooldown or relay with a sound.

Up until the limit of your inventory space or its own inventory space? How’d that work?

The same if you had to pick up all items manually, you TP out, salvage, use storage and come back in.

Ah. Pretty sure the only options were on/off.