Feedback on Stats & Materials panel

First of all, please remove the material pickup notification on the panel button. I’m not sure if anyone is bored enough to constantly check their material reserve and eager enough to know things like “I just got one more veiled crystal!”. We can already see how many materials we have and need to be used when we are at the craftsman.

Secondly, please default the panel to stats instead of materials. (Again, who constantly checks for material reserve?) It’s neat that the stats panel updates on real time reflecting buffs and debuffs we receive, but it’s a pita to use because the character window occupies half of the screen and we need two clicks (first the panel button then switch to stats tab) and scroll down to find the stat we want to check.

The UI and UX seriously need more refinement.


this is the only valuable feedback i`ve seen so far and because it has no hate, no one bothers to discuss.nice haters.

Agreed with op, new material notification needs to go, an annoyance.

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funny enough it does default to stats, now at least, but the notifications bug me to no end. which to further go on that the fact that the store ALWAYS has a notification on it is irritating. the only time i want notified is when i get something new

Less than 10 post count.
Replies to a year old topic.

Must be the weekend!


yep, weekend and bored lol. that and would love to bring the irritating notifications back to light, for example when I have 10k of a resource I don’t need to know that I’ve acquired another 20 lol.

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