Feedback on Diablo IV

So no clue where the feedback spot is but here is mine.

Ive been playing Diablo since it first came out on PC. Yep that long. Got to say i see no difference in the game. Yes the towns and maps are different. But game play is still the same.

So what got worse.
You are putting to much into the game. If i have to think about building a character i cant enjoy the game. There is way to much to do and figure out. My poor Rouge has no regin at all. 3 shots of rapid fire and i hear " i cant do that" well rouges are not sword characters we shoot bows. Take the knife and sword away. This is BS.

And the stupid Bosses. OMG. I cant run backwards and shoot. How the hell do you want me to shoot a boss that chases me all the time. No stun point. No freeze effect. WTH. I had to lay poisin traps out the entire time because if i stopped running i died. The bosees never gave me a chance to shoot them. They just run over me or slam me. STUPID and NO FUN.

I dont blame the people for creating modded weapons in D1-D3. THOSE made the game fun to play. These crap weapons that rely on a build are garbage. I may actually cancel my pre order now. It looks like its going to be a long stupid campaign.

Now the load times. GARBAGE. The lag between areas. The bullet spunge enemies And the stupid armor now. Im pretty sure this game is going to suck.

My my my, have you ever played a Diablo game before? If not, I can understand the confusion but it’s still better to do your own research instead of complaining as it ‘isnt’ there.

You can lock a target by pressing right stick. This way you can just run away and shoot at the target. Great for boss fights. Enjoy.

I don’t get the ‘there’s to much to find out’ since you don’t give any constructive information but everything is pretty straightforward. If you mean builds and you don’t want to find this out yourself there is something called the internet where there are plenty of early beta builds already.

And about energy management: it’s early game… Max level 25 of 100. Without the right gear, builds etc. Lvl 25 says nothing of how it will be at endgame.


Thanks Maus! I didn’t know about the lock-on! Any zoom-in option yet? on console?