Feedback on Diablo 4 After the Hype is gone - Tons of Things that need fix and Improve

Hello everyone and the worldwide Diablo 4 community.

Before we talk about Diablo 4, just some appeal for this post on Reddit that I publish and has been removed because “seens” to be bot or something.

But well, now we can start!

After the launch of the game and its Hype gone, we need to collect some things that were presented to us and during the game’s reveals.

Only now that we are off this launch fever, we can notice some features that were presented but are not in the game, in particular, I am talking about the Visual Intensity and Identity of Skills for each level that it would be acquired when upgrading it, what would bring a better experience in Sanctuary.

In this topic I am going to address the points of improvement that the I seed the game needs, points that I believe that the majority of the Diablo 4 community agrees, specially for the opinions we see here on Reddit and other places.

The list of Feedback points that I see needed to be adressed urgently:

THEMED SEASONS: The Season of Malignant is indeed fun, but we need to make this season worth continuing to play. What I mean here is, the season could use the Sigils turning it into Evil Sigils, where a themed dungeon automatically runs without the need to choose whether I want to do Malignant or Normal Game.

NEW UBER BOSS: Varsham was just the first new Uber to arrive at the sanctuary, but it is not challenging, it is not difficult and we need it to be something challenging. If he is a season’s themed dungeon boss, it would be nice to allow him to be able to summoned inside a Tier 100 Sigil, then he would receive the dungeon affixes and thus, his fight becomes challenging, because in the way it is today, he doesn’t present any kind of challenge for the community.

Other solution would be a creation of a type of “fragment” that is used to summon him in an Uber Lilith level version.

SKILLS INTENSITY: As the images below shows, what was presented to us, is that the kills would have beautiful VFX effects but what we have? Some skills are basic in visual, something that don’t reseemble at all the previews of the game’s Quarterly Update during its launch.

TONS OF DAMAGE: The game has a little more than 1 month of life and we are already getting to Diablo 3 numbers. It apparently happens due to the calculations and types of affixes that are absurdly disproportionate in terms of condition to apply damage.

I believe that this part needs attention and review the formula used since it makes no sense to get to a World Boss defeated in 4 or 2 seconds after itss spawn. This needs to be patched urgently and I believe that everyone in the community who wants the best for the game will agreee with this.

ELEMENTAL RESISTANCE: This matter also need urgent review, the way it is working in the game, due several types of damage affixes and so many ways to debuff the enemy to apply damage, it is turning the game into mess: Resistance attributes are not relevant and as now, they are just ignored, it’s like it exits just to prevent players enhancing a type of damage attribute with ease.

This make all RARE base items useless if they don’t have those damage afixes in them.

TRADE: A trade system needs to be implemented in the game so any player can sell and advertise rare base items inside Sanctuary. What we have today is a Discord server that needs to be used to able exchanges between players and this is revolting. In addition to have to create posts all the time,there is a minute lock and it ends up being annoying to have to do this for any trade. A suggestion is to implement a system with a limit of 10 rare items that can be sold in an Action House for example.

NIGHTMARE DUNGEONS & WORLD BOSSES BOSS MECHANICS: As the characters level up, the bosses mechanics in general are not used in the game due to the massive damage escalating, this is not healthy for the game and needs to be reviewed so the the fights have better immersion, allowing the player to feel challenged when fighting these bosses inside the Sanctuary even on the story mode.

OPTIMIZATION: Some points that were already mentioned need special attention when building the game. (Game memory usage is high, GPU utilization when talking to sellers, Optimization in the exchange of instances between sectors)

VISUAL EFFECTS: The visual effects are TOTALLY DIFFERENT from what was announced, check this out because according to the quarterly updates you showed us, the game was supposed to look very different than it does now in that part of skills. I feel that now it is more focused on Diablo 3 than on the realism and beauty that Diablo 4 was promised, in this way, I want to say that: The skills and their effects do not follow the graphic quality of the game.

INTERFACE: The game’s interface needs to be separated in some aspects due to the exxcess of items that we carry out throughout the game.

  • Search bar for Chest;
  • Specific chest tabs for each type of item that the game has or even sets of items that can be stored in a single tab together like:
    • Inventory for Gems,
    • Inventory for Sigilis;
    • Inventory for pvp “ears” collection or create a type of utility to use the ears on the PVP map;
  • Increased amount of equal gem stacks was done with Elixirs;
  • Inclusion of button for complete reset in the Paragon board;
  • Display the amount of gold collected in the last X seconds ;
  • World Boss and Event alerts without the need to open the map at all times, without use a third-party website, that was done in Diablo 4’s Open and Closed Beta.

This is all just a part of the game that is missing and we can only notice now, after having fun with Diablo 4 at its launch. For the healthy of the games longevity, those issues need some attention. I believe that me as the others ARPG players just wants the best for the game and that not becomes its predecessor, Diablo 3, where we are going to simply annihilate anything on the screen, with just a single button.

Now on the part of intensifying skills and graphics, it is remarkable and I say this with great affection that I have for the franchise since 1996, as a Diablo player who has experienced all the games in the franchise and wants the best.

In the update [Diablo IV Quarterly Update—December 2021 — Diablo IV — Blizzard News] where a quarterly update was presented in 2021, we had videos that make us speechless for how much the game is beautiful and valued in terms of lighting effects, skill and even the setting.

So I urge everyone in the Diablo community who wants the best of the franchise to look at this post and help reach out to Blizzard support and let it be heard. I leave you with a comparison of images below on what I’m talking about the game’s graphics and that I will charge until one day this can appear in the game as it was actually shown.

Feedback from: Mano Imp & His Brazilian Diablo 4 Community (text was rewriten by my friend Arddhu)

----------------------------------FEEDBACK EM PORTUGUES BRASILEIRO-------------------------------------

Olá pessoal e comunidade mundial de Diablo 4.

Após o lançamento do game e seu Hype ter passado, precisamos cobrar algumas coisas também que o jogo nos apresentou e ao decorrer do seu lançamento, somente agora que conseguimos notar algumas modificações que foram feitas mas não encontramos no jogo, em particular, falando sobre a questão da: Intensidade das Skills para cada nível que a mesma for adquirindo em sua distribuição de pontos.

Nesse tópico vamos abordar os pontos de melhoria que o jogo precisa de atenção e acredito que a maioria na comunidade de Diablo 4 também acredita nisso, para o seu potencial que ainda não foi totalmente mostrado.

Lista de Feedback que precisam ser analisados com urgência:

  1. TEMPORADAS TEMÁTICAS: A Temporada do Maligno de fato está divertida, porém precisamos fazer com que essa temporada vala a pena continuarmos jogando. O que quero dizer aqui é, a temporada deveria transformar os Sigilos em Sigilos Malignos, onde dentro de uma masmorra temática automaticamente rode sem eu ter que escolher se eu quero fazer a Maligno ou a Normal do Jogo.
  2. NOVOS UBER CHEFES: Varsham foi apenas o primeiro Uber novo a chegar no santuário, mas o mesmo não possui desafio, não possui dificuldade e precisamos que ele seja algo desafiador. A ideia aqui é, se ele é um boss de masmorra temática da season, permita que seja possível invocar ele dentro de um Sigilo de Tier 100 onde ele recebe os afixos da masmorra e assim, a sua luta se torne desafiadora, pois da maneira que ele se encontra hoje, não possui nenhum tipo de desafio para a comunidade. Ou se preferirem, criar um tipo de “fragmento” que seja utilizado para invocar o mesmo em uma versão nível Uber Lilith.
  3. INTENSIDADE DE SKILLS: Foi apresentado e conforme uma demonstração abaixo, não temos isso no jogo, aparentemente, algumas skills estão totalmente simples, sem efeitos bonitos de VFX como apresentado nas prévias de Atualização Trimestral do jogo ao decorrer do seu lançamento.
  4. DANO ESCALADO ABSURDAMENTE RAPIDO: O jogo possui 1 mês de vida e já estamos chegando em um Diablo 3, devido aos seus cálculos e tipos de afixos que são absurdamente desproporcionais em questão de condição para aplicar um dano, acredito que essa parte precisa de atenção e rever a formula utilizada pois sério, não tem sentido algum chegar em um Boss Mundial e simplesmente matar ele em 4 ou 2 segundos de luta. Sério, isso precisa ser reajustado urgente e acredito que todos na comunidade que querem o bem do jogo, estão de acordo com isso.
  5. RESISTENCIA ELEMENTAL: Precisamos urgente rever a forma que isso vai funcionar no jogo, devido possuir tanto tipo de afixos de dano e tantas formas de debilitar um inimigo para aplicar o dano, o mesmo está virando uma bagunça fazendo com que: Atributos de resistência não sejam relevantes e apenas ignorados, é como se ele estivesse ali somente para atrapalhar os jogadores a conseguirem um tipo de atributo melhor de dano e pronto, todos os itens de base RARA, não servem se não tiverem dano no mesmo.
  6. TRADE: O sistema de trade precisa ser implementado no jogo, um mercador para poder vender e anunciar os itens de base rara dentro do Santuário. Hoje utilizamos um discord para poder fazer trocas entre jogadores e isso é revoltante, pois além de ter que ficar criando publicações o tempo todo, so podemos fazer isso com trava de minutos e acaba ficando chato ter que fazer isso quase toda hora. O sistema poderia ser implementado com um limite de 10 itens raros podendo ser vendidos em uma Action House por exemplo.
  7. MECANICAS DE CHEFES DE NIGHTMARE DUNGEONS & WORLD BOSSES: Com o passar do nivelamento dos personagens, as mecânicas de chefes em geral não são utilizadas no jogo devido ao dano escalado absurdamente de forma rápida, precisa ser revisto isso e trazer as lutas para terem imersão, fazer com que o jogador se sinta desafiado quando lutar contra esses tipos de chefes dentro do Santuário.
  8. OTIMIZAÇÃO: Alguns pontos são citados abaixo que precisam de atenção na construção do jogo. (Utilização de memória do jogo pois está alta, Utilização de GPU ao conversar com os vendedores, Otimização na troca de instâncias entre setores)
  9. EFEITOS VISUAIS: Os efeitos visuais estão TOTALMENTE DIFERENTES do que vocês anunciaram, revisem isso pois de acordo com as atualizações trimestrais que vocês nos mostraram, o jogo era para estar com uma cara bem diferente do que agora nessa parte de skills. Sinto que agora está mais voltado para Diablo 3 do que para o realismo e beleza que o Diablo 4 está nos proporcionando, dessa forma, quero dizer que: As skills e seus efeitos não acompanham a qualidade gráfica do jogo.
  10. INTERFACE: A interface do jogo precisa de separação em alguns aspectos devido o acumulo de itens que vamos realizando ao longo da jogatina.
  • Barra de busca no baú;
  • Inventário para Gemas;
  • Inventário para Sigilos;
  • Abas de baú especificas para cada tipo de item que o jogo possui ou até mesmo conjuntos de itens que podem ser guardados em uma única aba em conjunto;
  • Inventário para coleção de “orelhas” do pvp ou criar um tipo de utilidade para usar as orelhas no mapa de PVP;
  • Aumento da quantidade de stacks de gem igual foi feito com os Elixires;
  • Inclusão de botão para reset completo no quadro de excelência;
  • Exibir a quantidade de ouro coletado nos últimos x segundos
  • Alerta de World Boss e Eventos sem a necessidade de ter que abrir o mapa a todo momento ou utilizar site de terceiros, igual era feito no Beta Aberto e Fechado do Diablo 4.

Isso tudo é somente uma parte que faz falta no jogo e só conseguimos notar agora, que depois de divertir com Diablo 4 em seu lançamento, conseguimos notar pontos que para o bem da sua longevidade de duração que o jogo vai ter, acredito que assim como um jogador de ARPG, todos da comunidade de Diablo desejam sempre o melhor para o jogo e não que o mesmo se torne seu antecessor que é o Diablo 3 onde vamos simplesmente aniquilar qualquer coisa na tela, com apenas um único botão.

Agora na parte de intensificação das skills e gráfica, é notável e falo isso com muito carinho que tenho pela franquia desde 1996, um jogador de Diablo que vivenciou todos os jogos da franquia e quer o seu melhor.

No update [Diablo IV Quarterly Update—December 2021 — Diablo IV — Blizzard News] onde foi apresentado uma atualização trimestral em 2021, tivemos vídeos que fazem com que ficamos sem palavras para o tanto que o jogo é bonito e valorizado em sua questão de efeitos de luzes, de skill e até mesmo pela ambientação.

Então peço, a todos da comunidade de Diablo que queiram o bem da franquia, olhem para este post e ajudem a chegar ao suporte da Blizzard e que seja ouvido.

Deixo vocês com uma comparação de imagens abaixo sobre o que estou falando dos gráficos do jogo e que irei cobrar até que um dia isso possa aparecer no jogo como de fato foi mostrado.


I agree , in addition to the game being rubbish and every amateur the community still supports blizzard 's lack of dedication and its lies , we only have one Albet Einstein , so it will always be common for more useless people in the world and few who make a difference , if not we would have many more Eisntens in the world, it’s just the truth, anyone who wants to can cry at will, the truth will not change.


I second on it all, those points are important for the game to endure for the next years.


Wow, this feedback is amazing. I’m totally agree and my hope of devs listen feedbacks from other community around the world of Diablo. I think sometimes of the devs listen only once community in the world. Please put in game armory and overlay map, this is amazing feature for the players.

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and it is a live service as they said , it needs to be like a live service , currently it is just a diablo 3 ressurect , it does not have live service content to keep the player playing as a live service should be , the other diablo were not live service

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This is the way: criticize to build a better game than what we already have. This will improve the current experience for all players.


Paragon board: If it were possible to erase at least one entire board at a time, that would be great. But erasing point by point is almost punitive…


in fact, many times they just say they listen to calm the dust and continue doing what was already planned … they did that a lot at wow , and being with blizzard for many years makes us understand how things really work at blizard… .

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Dude, totally agree !


I hope that the points that our Brazilian community has pointed out will be taken into account by the development team.


We cannot disagree with.

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Yep, agree.
It’s important to make the game better than it is now.

I agree a lot!! And we need new adjust lvl scalling mobs to the WT. low WT mobs scaling down and harder WT mobs scalling higher than player. And mixed lvls in different mobs. I mean you can find a mob +1 or +2, and even +3 in a WT3, for example.

You forgot to address, the poor itemization in the game as a vital revamp needed. I agree with everything else.

Yeah, I think one board at a time is better than the whole thing. But, why not just have both options?

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Hype? Surely you jest.

There is no hype for this game. Everyone hates this game.

Hey mano imp, acompanho seu trabalho como Streamer e sua dedicação em tornar o game melhor. Espero que não desanime de sempre falar o que o game realmente precisa para se consolidar como a nova geração de ARPG.
No mais, espero que a Blizz leia com atenção este post.

The community needs to speak up to be heard. Great feedback and let’s hope the devs listen to us.

Only a select few outliers reach millions of damage and that is only due to the fact that Blizzard can’t math… Somethings scale multiplicative, some scale additive - some classes have a lot of multiplicative damage such as boneSpear necros, some have zero to none, like a bleed barb (critting for 15k in max gear at lvl 100…)

Some specs and classes have a couple of hundred thousand percent higher dps than others…


First off, I don’t know why people think the game isn’t challenging. It’s always the no lifers…if you want to feel challenged…go find a challenging job…playing a game as your job doesn’t qualify! Bunch of darn masochists. The real problem with Blizzard is they didn’t use the IP they had created over the past 10 years…a lot of the problems could have been avoided if they had proper project management. Season 1 sucks…having hearts that give you something but takes away or adds time to your skills is crazy and makes you weak. Yeah, I know they are supposedly fixing this but why is it a thing anyway. For the most part, I agree with this posting. One main problem is Blizzard thinks the end game starts at 50 and goes to 100. I don’t remember at the beginning of D3 with paragon but paragon was a never-ending grind…which I liked. The more paragon the more powerful I felt plus set items …the wide range of items I could craft at the blacksmith because items didn’t always drop when leveling, and specific legendaries I could actually identify when they dropped without even picking them up. I do not know one name of any legendary. The grind is boring and takes too long too. etc etc etc…way too much wrong to list…LOL