Feedback on Beta Mar 24-27

Thoroughly enjoyed being apart of the beta and eager for the game to be released. That being said some notes that I took -

Had a very difficult time sorting inventories, especially in stash. Main inventory seemed to work most of the time, but occasionally I’d have to click out of it and go back in. Stash however, I was never able to get it to sort.
Lagged occasionally, but I do believe it was my own setup as opposed to connection issues.
Colors on hairstyles are very muted, several looked the exact same. A few character skin colors blend directly into hair and make the hair detail very hard to make out.
Would prefer if abilities/skills/spells would determine if they were melee vs ranged. Had to respect several times to figure out which were which.

Thank you again for this opportunity and I’d love to join any future betas!