Feedback on Beta from a Series X Player

I played the beta and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Cutting to the chase, here are my notes:


  • Adjustable zoom. There were times I wanted to play at a zoom between the default and then how close it brings you when you access zoom through the chat menu (via d-pad up)

  • Ability to make inventory UI larger on the screen would be welcome

  • Need to fix the quest tabs in the journal. (After opening the Map and then pressing d-left) When I “tuck” a tab in, such as “Side Quests,” I can’t get back to untuck that and see the whole list. I tried every button. They cannot be navigated to/highlighted. As it stands, if you tuck the tabs, they will be stuck closed the rest of that play session.

  • Responsiveness on marking items as junk in the inventory is a touch slow. Like, I have to press X deliberately and then wait a moment for the slash to appear. Makes something that should take a moment take three moments.

  • There is no “Headphones” option in the sound settings. I’d love support for dolby atmos or similar.

  • Adjustable font sizes, please

  • Can we please have access to private channels/offline play? I often prefer to go it alone.

  • Adjustable HUD size, please

Longtime fan of the franchise, I was enjoying myself thoroughly. Made a druid on Hardcore, Tier 2. Got him to level 10 before I randomly got blindsided by The Butcher. Caught me with my pants down and low potions, slammed me. It was awesome and actually made me really happy, that’s a good juju way to die in Diablo. I didn’t care for D3. I like the look and feel of D4 much more, can’t wait to jump back online.

Cheers, and thanks for reading.


Issues I noticed

In challenges, with longer lists expanded, IE delver, when expanded, it won’t scroll down to show the rest of the expanded list AND will not go to the next challenge in the list.

From the map menu, where it shows Fractured peaks (area) all of the sub sections should be selectable to list what you’ve found/done and what you haven’t.
Accordingly, some may be listed as “???” As place holders until you initiate the quest, if you want to hide the starting point.

In single player, in inventory, the item popup should never over lap your character info.
Also the orientation should never change, always have the equipped item on the left, and the backpack item on the right. Or vice versa.

For GUI under mini map, change challenge text color for small events that happen exploring, IE things like cursed chests where you need to defeat X waves of monsters or a specific type of monster, or add a black background behind the text.

Increase font size larger. Even playing on a 60 inch TV it’s still too small on the largest setting.

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Yes! This!

And thanks for the echo on font size. I have 20/20 vision and am playing on a 50" OLED. I can read it, but it would be more comfortable a few points larger.