Feedback of the Beta

I did get to play a bit of the beta before servers went down almost got to level 20 i think i got to 18 or early 19 either way I have some good things and bad things



Its absolutely amazing seriously i get so immersed in the world im sad i was speed running through to try and get the backpack.


Coming from D3 were you can TP anywhere having to walk around and actually go from place to place was great.


Actually felt like towns not just HUBS you go to just to drop crap off and go back into the world to go killing you can stop say hello to other players it was great

Cross play!

I didnt get to test this out but im glad its here!

Graphics are out of this world seriously its just stunning how good they are.


I had a huge issue with RAM being over used i have over 8gb of RAM on my card and it was saying i didnt have enough room i know i have at least 16gb of ram now 8gb of that is Dedicated but still it was annoying i had to make the graphics SUPER low to even play the game for an extended period of time aka 15 mins.

Invisible walls in dungeons + Pathing

I kepted not being able to walk forward and needed to go around area’s just so i could walk to another side when i fully knew that i could walk that direction since i saw Mobs come from there. This happened a few times and once even wouldnt let me leave town. In terms of pathing there is an issue or4 an intended feature that i feel needs to be fixed. Normally on KB+M if you dont want to click on anything you hold down the left mouse and you can move around. This will stop you from clicking on an Mob and attacking it. It seems that you can’t do this and the only way to do this is by actually binding a force move key if your interact and attack button are on the same input. Pathing as well sometimes i can clearly see where i want to move i click there see that im clicking there no Mobs in my way or anything and i for some reason am Auto walking around the long way. Its very annoying and slows down gameplay.


Is a mix bag, Melee’s are amazing at Ad clearing and its fun just face tanking everything. On the flip side i was a sitting duck when it came to boss fights. The fact that normal mobs can stun you and hit you down on the ground is stupid only Elites and Bosses should be able to do that. Not some level 6 goat that is taller than you its dumb and needs to be taken out. Animations as well need to be able to be cancelled. FAR to many times did i go to cast my bats as druid and not be able to tell my wolfs to attack the target i cast my bats on i had to go through the summon animation wait until they were on the ground THEN and only THEN could tell my wolves to attack. Everything does not feel smooth and i get that they want it to feel more like d1/2 but its not fun when im a solo player just taking everything by myself. I need to be fluid in my movement and be able to actually move around. Not get stun locked by a level 6 mob cuz im animation locked and then get stunned by the elite/boss then back to the mob then locked cuz of animation then back to the boss. This i counted happened to me 10 times in a row it was bs and i hate it.


Well i think we all know that balance is just TERRIBLE actually bad right now i know it was just a beta buut still. I have seen that there is a great crit build for barbs but out side of that tho if you aren’t a range player you kinda just get stun locked and shoved around its not fun considering i REALLY wanna play druid but i dont wanna break my KB in the process or my controller.

Other than this beta was good had a fun time for the short hours i played. just a few things i noticed and idk if you all noticed these things too i didnt just wanna hate to hate but wanted to bring to the for front to kinda remind everyone to write on the forums and express your frustrations with the beta and let blizzard know why you hate these things or what upset you. Feedback right now even with two months away can go along way. Blizzard has proven with Dragonflight they are listening i can confirm that they are fully listening to player feed back.