Feedback ( Level 20)

Overall: Good

Problems: Memory errors ( Not on my end), Game crashes when moving between zones ( LOTS OF CRASHES), Sound issues when using discord, watching YouTube, and Playing. Looks like the game used at most 10 gigs of ram, my system has 32 gigs, yet it still told me it was out of memory at least 3 times per session with restarting the PC as the only fix. I ran memory diags, no issues, video card is a 3090 TI K|ngP|n with 24 gigs of ram. Tested entire system for 24 hours at MAX graphics, ram, and CPU no issues. Windows up to date, sound drivers up to date, all drivers up to date. If you would like to use my system as a test dummy, I am willing to help as the problems/crashes can be duplicated really easily.

Gameplay: Far too easy, too many potions, not enough struggle in the beginning. Needs to be bumped by at least 3x difficulty. Mobs need some AI, so they learn to avoid death and thus making it harder. I played on veteran and am sad to say that even naked it was easy mode.

Animations: Game has lots of cool animations, but many of them are out of sync, hands clapping, overlapping and it just looks off. The horse movement is very stiff and should be looked at as it doesn’t look normal. It reminds me of like what a reanimated horse would move like after reincarnation.

Alt - Tab : Severe issue with tabbing and generally trying to do anything but play Diablo IV. Please note that my machine far, far, far exceeds the spec of most gaming machines on the planet so it’s a you thing, not a me thing.

There are definitely memory leaks which are visible while simply walking around as you can watch the ram usage go up, and up, and up. Note that crashes occur OOM- out of memory at random ram loads. Again, it’s a you thing that should be looked into.

Final thought: If you guys (Blizzard) intend on making seasons and such please make the campaign and storyline optional, because it is too long and boring to do multiple times. Far better would be just a series of go here, kill this, get this, farm this, emote this… whatever… Just no story line after one play through. Seasonal game play will be far more appealing.

That’s my 2 cents from beta Diablo IV
