[Feedback] Invulnerability defeats the purpose of some game mechanics

Hello, people!

I loved the game beta and I am providing this feedback because I wish the game would follow the hard boss battle direction focusing on hard mechanics and intense battles.

The idea of having Invulnerabilities such as Necromancer’s Blood Mist defeats the purpose of a tough Boss Fight. The game has a lot of interesting mechanics of attacks, good telegraph animations on bosses and a lot of rewarding fights if the power scaling does not make you an unstoppable face tanking Nephalem like the previous game.

I did love the direction of having hard fights and I think a lot of the beta players and streamers were astonished by Ashava and how hard it was to defeat the boss. It worries me that some builds are able to face tank the boss and forget about all other mechanics. This is why I am writing this post about Invulnerability.

A suggestion would be to remove almost all Invulnerability and substitute it with huge amount of barriers or 75%+ damage reduction. This change would increase the skill required to survive in bosses providing extra durability without allowing the player to mindless face tank any boss.

I do think there are other alternatives to solve this issue, the only thing I hope (and ask) is to not make this game a chase of builds capable of face tanking - and therefore ignore - all the cool bosses fight mechanics.

Thanks for the read, see you on the Sanctuary

Ashava is literally just stay in melee range and step to the side when he drops both claws. His “Big AoE” is really just a large circle that doesn’t harm people near him.

Making bosses CC immune defeats the purpose of Sorceress spells that slow and freeze. Before you try removing Sorceress frost invulnerability you need to remove boss CC immunity.

Also not everyone wants to always be 5 seconds away from dying. Some of us prefer playing a battleship character that can take and give big hits. We don’t all want to be tissue paper like you.

I am getting sick and tired of people like you trying to force your preference on me.

If you don’t want to be invulnerable then DON’T TAKE THE SKILLS WHICH MAKE YOU INVULNERABLE. Leave those skills for those of us who want and enjoy them.

If you want challenge then maintain the challenge FOR YOURSELF.

When I am playing the game the only thing that should matter is how I want the game to be played, not how you want it to be played.