Feedback from a casual player

Hi there. Took a week off from work to play. Have a 78 druid, 63 rogue, and a 20-something necro. Played a bit in both beta weekends, and have sunk plenty of hours into D2, D2:R, D3, and POE. Here are some thoughts. Fun game, overall. Solid foundation. Hopefully will be improved upon in the years to come. Right now, however, the game - very sadly! - doesn’t grab my attention like any other ARPG I have played. Few thoughts off the top of my head…

  • Gorgeous environment. Pretty to look at but who cares when I in 80% of my game play run the same 15 repetitive dungeons… not taking advantage of well enough… yet…
  • Hell - why aren’t there zones where we fight more in Hell?
  • Duriel fight in the story - dude popped out of nowhere - went down, last we heard of him.!!! terrible…
  • EXP - mobs at 10-15 levels higher should grant more exp than mobs at 5 levels higher
  • Nightmare dungeons - worse concept than Greater Rifts in D3 because of the lack of layout, tile, and mob randomization; gets very, very repetitive… miss the mark here completely
  • Dungeons in general - not enough mob density; why do they all feel the same? also, too much backtracking. Why do the waves of mobs that spawn usually after the first locked door not drop loot
  • Open world - make mobs in the open world drop meaningful loot; too much of the MMO concept of “clear X to open Y treasure chest with loot”
  • Unique drops - have seen maybe 15 or so uniques, to include 7 or 8 Vasily’s… made a druid to do a tornado build and still haven’t seen a tempest roar… and almost level 80
  • Orbs - why can’t they drop uniques?
  • Combat - kind of reminds me of a “Wolcen 2.0”… the whole game, actually, minus the open world thing
  • Party Play - really? couldn’t give us a way to easily group up in game?
  • Itemization - another fail in my opinion - chasing gear in this game just isn’t as exciting as other ARPGs
  • Field of view - zoom out just a bit… please…
  • Mob Scaling - I get it, makes every fight meaningful… but not when mobs don’t drop loot like other ARPGs… and after every level I don’t really FEEL that much stronger because the same mobs in the same dungeon are always near my level…

“We’ve shoved Duriel in the game so, D2 fans, there’s no reason to say we’re alienating you”.