Feedback for D4

  1. Great foundation to work with - well done
  2. Graphics are exceptional
  3. Combat exceptional
  4. Need more variety when it comes to dungeons. Not only with style of dungeons, but within dungeon, each room felt the same
  5. Wasn’t a fan of back tracking in dungeons - such as, go to the far right to get “x” and then go to far left to get “x” - to open door in middle.
  6. Boss mobs were fun, however, way too easy for range.
  7. Melee chasing bosses wasn’t fun.
  8. Scrolling to see some gear information - annoying


  1. Have a world boss announcement character within towns
  2. Let players of same level range be grouped for world boss. If you’re level 20-25, you should never be grouped with level 10-15
  3. I hope to see more random events while traveling world
  4. Create a symbol in corner of rare items that allows player to know if this is a higher quality rare that should be looked at more closely vs. a lower quality rare that can be trashed.
  5. Allow town shop keepers to sometimes contain interesting loot rather then trash all the time

I look forward to playing this game and can’t wait to see what the dev team comes up with over the next several years.

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