Feedback for Beta

So far my experience has been 40 Min Queue, watch Game Trailer, create Character, watch game intro and then the game breaks. Like i could see the grid of the map when i shouldn’t be able to. Would love to provide a screenshot if i could. Game wouldn’t respond, had to close it out and re-login. Had a 50 Min Queue, got to play for 5 mins exploring the map leveled to Level 2 and the game crashes with the Error code that everyone is talking about, which is essentially character still in world with that name. waited 15 mins on Character Screen and still couldn’t get in. Re-login once more, 90 Min Queue? seriously?

I get you’re still in Beta and i am trying to be patient, really i am. But you are less than 3 months away from launch. the amount of issues that’s being reported are issue i would expect for a Beta that is still 6-8+ months away from launch. At this stage you guys are indicating that this is a near finished product and the free weekend is to stress test and convince me to purchase your 70 buck game!!! And you are failing…

The silent and or tone deaf responses and watching Forums slowly getting locked due to negative or toxic feedback from the community (which albeit shouldn’t happen, constructive feedback is needed not disrespect) is not helping your case. Good luck on the rest of your Beta weekend and even being able to convince anyone this is still a product worth hyping about Come June…