Feedback for Beta pt. 1

Thank you Blizzard to let us participate on the closed beta testings. As a Diablo 2 & 3 player, i am glad we will finally get a next part of a very entertaning franchise.

First i wanna give u some feedback performancewise. I have built a PC with your recommend system requirements (i5-4670k, GTX 970 etc.) and my daily PC (i7-13700KF, RTX 4090) You have done a good job, optimizing the game for older hardware. The game plays it liquid on FHD. It feels smoth and looks good. With my RTX 4090 i play on 4k and there i had some micro stutter. I dont know yet if this is coming from the servers or if there is some optimizing necessary on microcoding. Don’t get me wrong, the stuttering rarely occurs, so it’s just a temporary phenomenon. Then i really would have expected you give Diablo IV all the new techniques we will have in all AAA titels. Named RTX. I heard, RTX will come probably later. I dont want to hear this. I like to hear, we will give you this wonderful technique for a beautiful gaming experience where you can see wonderful sun exposure on the battle ground, shiny ice in deadly dungeons and reflecting water (or blood) on the open world.

Loot & eqipment.
I really like you will give us lots of different loot, that will be needed to craft unique stuff. The amout of normal, magic aud rare items feel prety good. I had on the difficulty veteran alway enough materials to craft what i liked. This is very important i guess. The droprate of legendary items is in my opinion to high. Specially on the way to level 25. I mean, after the beta i had a full box of legendary items only. I dont want to get it thrown after. I will do dungeon runs or worldboss fight to farm the items. felt like dungeon bosses dropped worse loot than random elites on the open world.
Then i really missed set items. I would really like to have them in D4. They havent to be huge sets with 5 or 6 pieces. Maybe some set rings, or gloves & boots or chest & pants or something like this. At the end, i really like, we will have the possibility to customize all you stuff for a vivid appearance.

Story & Lore:
ATM i like the story. There is enough content to read if you want that. even if the statements are sometimes quite simple and callous. You probably won’t be able to change that. But that doesn’t really bother me in general. I want to farm, loot, butcher and just play as much as possible. Hopefully later on grinding will be more important.
I really liked Lilith. Hopefully this time she will contribute a significant part to the endgame. One often hears that D4 feels slow. I know that feeling from D3. In the beginning you literally snuck through the files, but where are we today? What I mean is that Blizzard implemented this character growth very well. I wouldn’t like being OP from the start. That’s what Diablo is all about. Growing together and forming an awesome hero.

Skilltree & Abilities
The skilltree is awesome. Customizing abilities and secondary characteristics is huge and give us a lot of opportunities to form our character as we like. i like that decisions have to be made and you can’t have everything. If I now give a point more on an ability or if I increase the damage in general, it is incredibly fun and encourages you to try many different builds. I think with the skill tree, several different builds are possible at a high level. the ultimate abilities haven’t knocked me off my feet yet, but that’s probably a bit too early to make an objective statement. However, what I miss is the ability to change the elemental damage of individual abilities. I would like to mention the magician’s abilities explicitly, because I mainly played magicians in the beta. Hydra can only be played with fire, Meteor is also fire. Orb is just ice. I miss the ability to cast a Lightning Hydra or Fire Blizzard, for example.

Bugs & Glitches:
I only found 3 bugs or glitches on the first part of the beta.

  • On some sidequest where you have to kill 1 enemy in a cellar, the quest stopped after the enemy was destroyd while he was spawning. You had to do it once again while keeping him alive until he spawned fully.

  • Oscar the mob on the mid left side of act 1, dropped mostly loot over level 25.
    I was fine with him, because there was a grinding element in te beta ^^. I have now a Sorceress with 1074 atack damage :wink:

  • On act 1 sould be 23 dungeons, i explored the act 100% and only found 22.

I hope you can get something out of my assessment. As an older player in the community, I would be very happy to receive feedback from other users if you have a different or the same opinion.

Thank you Blizzard for fresh new expierience. I hope we will get many more surprises.

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