Feedback after D4 Beta


I would like to give some feedback on the Diablo 4 Beta that i’ve played the last two weekends.
i did play all the classes till level 25 and a bit beyond that.

  • firstly i would like to say, that i enjoyed the game, and everything we have had the chance to try so far. I am very intrigued to see the rest of the game when i launches.

  • Dungeons can feel a bit repetetive, but you have allready states that the dungeons in other zones might be different than the ones we have try up until this point.

  • Combat is amazing, the animations and everything looks so good, i do feel that sometimes some enemies have some wierd tracking on their attacks.
    i was standing behind a boss and yet his cleave hit me, that felt a bit wierd for me.
    i could be that im just bad at the game, and i dont want you to decrease the difficulty because i do like a challenge.

  • items, i like the way you have done with items so far.
    and i am very interrested in seeing what end game is looking like for items.

  • the story in the game and the in game cinamatics looks great so far, keep that up!

  • I do feel there is a lot of back tracking in dungeons, if something could be done about it that would be great, maybe create ways for peaple to “back track” in a different way
    we could have checkpoints which would let you port back to some areas in the dungeons, or maybe make 2 ways to the same opjective so you can explore a new way back to where you need to go

Class Feedback

overall i do enjoy each and every class you have designed so far, nothing is perfect so some changes could be cool


  • in previous Diablo games Barbs was able to use throw weapon, i am a bit sad that this is no longer an option for them
  • shouts last for a very short duration, but i guess this is intented so we dont just have a button to push every 2 minuts for a buff? so now we actively have to think about when to use the buffs
  • normally one of my favorite classes in Diablo games, i think you have captured the barb class in D4 really good and therefor i do enjoy playing it, however it did feel a bit weaker than the rest of the classes.


  • This is the class i’ve been waiting for, and i was so excited to play it, i must say, that i felt REALLY weak in the beta, so i really hope druids ramp up in the end game.
    my plan is to main this class, so ofcouse i want it to be strong.
  • i wasnt aware that your forms would take the color after the pickd haircolor of you character, so therefor if an option could be made so you could change the color of you werebear and werewolf forms that would be amazing or just make it so you can the color of you hair at the wardrobe.


  • normally i dont really touch sorcs, but i must say this is one of the classes i enjoyed the most in the beta, everything felt super smooth, it did feel a bit on the stronger side of the classes


  • rogue looked super cool from you trailers and oh boy is this a amazing class that you have designed, this is proberly my favorite class in the beta. its is fast, it hits hard, it just over all felt really good to play. again this felt like it was on the stronger side of the classes in the beta.


  • i feel necros are lacking in skills in game but that might be because of their summons?
  • corpse explotion is super overpowered if you ask me, but it was a lot of fun to use, but does so much damage.
    -the summons felt a bit low res. sometimes i felt like they were running in 10 fps, and the design seems poor compared to the rest of the game (the golem looked amazing)
  • i must say necro felt like the most OP class in the beta, just because corpse explotion did so much dmg, that i was pretty much all u needed.

Skill system
i do like the skill this and they way you put everything together, but i guess i was hoping for a few more active skills.
i know we havnt seen the paragon three yet, so i have no idear what paragon can do for your overall character and if it has any impact on you skills whatsoever.

sorry for the ramble i do hope you can use this information
and thanks for making D4 and amazing experience so far

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