Explode on death is not fun

You’re mistaking me recognizing user error for white knighting.

As I’ve stated before, there are plenty of things that are actually wrong with the game. This is not one of them. This is a skill issue.

You want to talk about something that’s actually a problem? How about how the game gets confused when mobs are close to walls and will sometimes stop registering your attacks entirely leaving your character to just kind of stand there until you manage to wiggle free?

THAT is an actual problem that has nothing to do with skill or lack thereof, but coding and collision.

You’re right there, and there’s the new bug they introduced with their clearly untested and zero thought 1.1 patch. Mobs now randomly spin around in circles because you can somehow be too close to them and are standing inside their collision detection so they madly spin run in circles around you to try and hit you.

Yeah Butcher used to do that even before whatever they did but now he does it constantly and it’s really annoying chasing him around with my sorc.

See, these are actual problems. People dying to exploding mobs is them not paying attention/not wanting to have to pay attention/wanting to make an already-easy game easier. I just prefer to focus on REAL problems, because those are the things that will have the most long-term impact.

For example, why the hell haven’t they fixed the ‘Fury Against Fate’ sidequest? It’s been broken since beta, and stayed broken through release. You can’t finish it. You meet the NPC in the cave she wants you to meet her at, goes through her dialogue, and then she and her friends just stand there and you can’t advance any further.

The only work around for this bug is to mess with your settings and purposely lag the game out, because what happens is PCs load into the cave too fast and it bugs her out! That’s ridiculous lmao. Why is it still like that? I refuse to mess with my settings when it’s Blizzard’s issue, not mine.

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Exactly this, it happens so much one is sometimes constantly trying to evade in some circumstances. And to those who say don’t stand in “x” you are obviously trolling because often the whole area becomes “x” and you are pretty much CCed to die a horrible end.

The explode on death is totally lame and annoying. Its funny to hear people say its a skill thing. Everytime I’ve died to this mechanic it was due to some BS. It was either too hard to see it due to all the crap on the screen, bad RNG with a cooldown, or the game just being totally unresponsive on hitting a skill.

The explode crap is lazy and totally over-tuned to the point of just being annoying. You guys actually want to play a game where the entire dungeon is exploding spider dudes with poison? or having to wait 3 secs to pick up the loot because of the fire aura needs to explode and shoot off 3 waves at you? If fine to a point, but its way too much. I would reduce this crap at least 50% or more. One mob in a pack at most.

To be clear, having so many mobs explode on death and affixes is a design issue. Skill or not to avoid, the abundance of it falls under design.

They’re also aware of it, since they specifically callrd it out as an issue in their campfire chat.

The thing is that literally all of the mechanics/mobs they mentioned as killing a large number of players are just the mechanics you have to pay attention to (explode, wraith lightning, charge). There WAS an actual bug with charging monsters but it’s been fixed.

Absolutely not. No one gets blown up except noobs. Get better or hit that uninstall button. Don’t turn this game into a retarded macro exclusive game. Use a brain of yours if you have one to look for danger and escape one.

But being able to avoid or down play a mechanic with skill or timing or luck does not make the mechanic a good one.

The game would be better off for not having it as prevalent, which is just a fact as the design itself is not fun. If you find dodging them to be fun, that’s fantastic. Some people find eating their hair to be fun.

Another “cry me a river” post.
So damn tired of these.

Get good. They add nice challenge.

You tell someone to pay attention while not actually paying attention to what their complaint is about. It is almost like you respond like a chatbot programmed to give trolling responses.

Amazing how people respond to an issue they want the person to have instead of responding to the issue the person actually has. Avoiding multiple exploding corpses is not hard at all for the OP. What the person has found is that it is not compelling gameplay for them.

Exploding corpses slows down the action, creating a game of wait before you move, with the only benefit being your character not being hit. Add in the other methods used to drag out play time, and the question is asked by some if these were made to be fun or were made to stretched out gameplay time?

I find challenge fun. I don’t like things to be too easy.

Agree. It’s way overused in this game, too. Nearly every fight has something that explodes, leaves poisonous fumes, or gouts of flames that are nearly impossible to avoid.

It’s just another lazy way that this company tries to prolong your game time with unfun tactics.

This game is very “floor is lava”

Yeah It so much fun getting packs of poison enchanted, spiderhosts on a deathpulse NMD. Completely irrelevant if you play a ranged build and aids if you play melee.

Fallen Lunatics does need slower movement speed,
less hit points
and deal a lot less damage.

It makes no sense than a fallen trash kamikaze is one of the highest damage over all the monsters we face.

Soon the game will have:

  • Explosion when at NPC (Blacksmith, Occulist etc).
  • Explosion when afk.
  • Extra explosions if the first one didn’t kill you.

I’m sick and tired of this mechanic also. The devs are intentionally making this game miserable with all these exploding deaths…so cheap and lame.