Expanded trading will lead to P2W

This would suck and not be enjoyable for anybody lmao. I mean if you want that, there are plenty of single player games you can go play where you don’t need to interact with anyone.

Say this was the case though, people can just buy and sell accounts at that point. And yes this is a thing that happens.


Thanks Shogun,

I sent a friend request.

Thanks for looking. Blizzard killed the old fire trick to have that ring proc. I do not know if it still the case, but one could put that ring on a follower and it would proc a goblin in a greater rift.

I made a post supporting AH even though I dont. Confusing huh?!

The Case in Favor of a S4 Auction House :house: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

Everyone has a different definition of P2W. Some people think the concept is paying money for an edge over other players. Some people think it’s simply paying to clear higher level content with ease. Some people think it’s paying money to get better gear.

Ultimately, your perception of what P2W is will vary depending on what you personally view as “winning” in a video game.

That being said, none of this even matters, because what OP is referring to is not even in the realm of P2W. P2W concepts are generally associated with systems the developer personally implements into the game. Case in point: The WoW token in WoW. Many people will deny this being a P2W system, but it is. It simply is, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

When someone accuses something of being P2W, they are specifically referring to the systems that exist within the confines and parameters established by the developer, not third-party sites the developer has absolutely no control over.

RMT on a very technical level is P2W, but it’s not P2W in how we discuss the concept. To suggest otherwise is wholly dishonest.

p2w what? leaderboards?

What a joke.

I thought D4 is dead.

dead game got P2W???

Why? Trading without P2W and without RMT is that bad?
Honestly I don’t like trading either, but… THAT bad?

I don’t know what’s on your mind, but there are ways to do it right. I really like how Old Runescape does it. You enter the object and your price and the system searches for the buyer or seller for you.

It will have unofficial RMT if the changes planned for season 4 continue.

PVP maybe? You know, those red areas on the map.

In six months we will be back to no trading…

Blizzard will be able to say “well at least we tried”.

Expanded trading will lead to P2W

this is exactly what I thought watching the stream. the RMT will be nuts.
Thankfully, Hack N Slash ARPGs have one of the worst seasonal models and gear really doesnt matter after a couple months.

if we take the “bad” definition of casual which is “noob”.
then i’d say the players doing trade and especially : RMT are the casual because they can’t farm their own equipement because they aren’t able to or , in hardcore, don’t have the skill to.

RMT user aren’t even actual players in my opinion
an aarpg is all about hunting your own loot.
if you can’t even do this, then it’s the wrong genre for them

How delightful – a recurring comedy where you willingly hit the reset button to become a PTR season tester and engage in some thrilling wallpaper battles?
Then, sit back and eagerly await the exhilarating moment of duplication… Not like it matters to me, right?

Just another mindless monster-slaying game revolving around wallpapers? Since the days of Diablo III, it seems we’ve blissfully ignored the whole point and joy of looting and the charming loot system.

Under these established conditions, what items (wallpapers) are worth wasting time trading for? Don’t you find it ridiculous?

Because people like to compare. Items, titles, and cosmetics used to mean something.

what people?
You realize the mass’s have left this game for the game that actually has trading… Right?
They can’t sell cosmetics if no one’s playing the game.

Yea true no one plays D4

I’ll just share my perspective on why I like trading.

First of all, I was a d2 megafan back when that game first launched, yes I’m a boomer by gamer standards lol.

Anyway, back then I just loved the item progression treadmill and the authentic treasure hunter feeling of the game. Even back when I was a total noob and found my first Sigons shield with +1 skills, I was just blown away by how powerful it seemed to me and how hyped I was to use it on my low level necromancer at that time.

Fast forward many months later when I’m not a noob anymore and it was still really enjoyable finding great items because they were frankly quite rare, but also quite impactful and useful it just felt like finding that lost treasure, then realizing just like real life treasure hunters, well you’re gonna find some golden chalice in some ancient dig site, but you’re not gonna USE it, rather it’s just a valuable, rare and awe inspiring item, that you either put on display or sell to the guy who has been dreaming of it for his whole life.

I love finding treasure that has value to people because of it’s rarity, treasure that reflects how much time I spent trying to find it, and treasure that I can then either add to my trophy case of “I can’t believe I found this” or sell to people that just really need it. I also love the idea of creating my own personal list of unobtainable dream treasures and once someone else uncovers it, being ready because I accrued so much wealth from my own treasure hunting that I can get it from them, and if I do I’m lucky, and if I’m on my game I might get a good deal while I’m at it.

I just love accumulating WEALTH in the process of treasure hunting. I don’t at ALL care about just finding slight statistical upgrades to my character. What I care about is finding really cool rare items that I know are valuable, and turning them into a pile of wealth that I can watch grow like scrooge mcduck and cackle to myself in joy. It’s just friggin fun man, it’s motivating, and it births FOREVER end game grindability for games like this where otherwise you just capped out your own gear and now who cares what else you find, because you can’t trade it.

This is why trading is the lifeblood of D2 and PoE, and why I’m glad they are making more steps towards that direction in D4.


all games are p2w now

competitive raiders in WoW literally spend like a million dollars during world first races HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA

You say Scrouge McDuck, I say Smaug. :grinning:


Depending on where you’re at in life (and perhaps what economy you’re apart of) it’s entirely possible if not likely that exchanging time for temporary bits is super inefficient. This is especially true if you’re not actually having fun / being entertained by grinding for items. By calling it ‘labor’ I suspect this fits you well.

It’s actually an untapped opportunity for Blizzard.

Sell a Happy Dad ™ starter pack; for $10/Season you can pick any 3 uniques and 2 ubers.

As a consequence you’re locked out of Leaderboards and PVP.

You save a ton of time getting an early-mid end game built out, don’t mess with other’s experience (consequences above), and Blizz gets their money (while likely denting RMT). Win-win-win.

Yet another person that doesn’t actually understand what P2W means…:laughing:

The sooner Diablo 4 adds a SSF mode the better, then all this crap can simply end and everyone can play their little niche.


P2W what? Win at the gauntlet? No one cares about the gauntlet. This game isn’t competitive. It’s basically a solo game. More trading=less grinding and a more healthy economy. This isn’t a Korean MMO. You’re playing the wrong game.

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