Expanded trading will lead to P2W

You need to define what means win in D4. After getting the best gear there is still a lot of skill required to dominate the pinnacle content. Like last season AOZ and this season Gauntlet, everyone was using same build which mostly Uber Unique but only few rise to the top as there are mechanical skill involve in playing those content, not just build. Like in AOZ, sorcerer most play DR injured build and one wrong button click you are poped. In current gauntlet you need to click the map accurately and quickly enough to reach the 1M score for sorcerer.

It is not true… people who are willing to RM trading, already did it now. Anyone who want to pay RM for gear is capeable to inprint aspect.

Get even maxroll aspect is much much more ez than perfect roll rare.

My issue with trade in games like Diablo and others like it, Is that those who profit from trade will often want the drop rates for the most valuable gear nerfed so that they can get more for that gear. One might think if they nerf drop rates would that not effect the sellers? Answer, Not really since they all use bots to farm for gear and items. But it will effect a REAL player such as my self making getting items way more difficult then it should be. And that is the goal to make getting loot too difficult one might cave in and buy the items they want. So my concern is if that starts to happen people wanting drop rates nerfed will Blizzard comply? or leave the drop rates alone? And as others have mentioned a SSF mode could be a option, But it still lets the botters win either way.

Expanding trading does allow for more “RMT” in the end. It can’t be stopped, people will always find ways.

But with that said, more trading does bring community closer and become more social. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Trade channel going off the rails in chatting.

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Its a “feature” at this point.
D2, D3, D3 I, all have RMT PTW transactions from 3rd party vendors.
D4 already has RMT PTW transactions from 3rd party vendors.
I could grind for weeks to find an item or I can pay 80 cents for it, subsidize a 3rd world economy, and use it in the game and have fun.

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You would be surprised at just where a lot of that money goes. Hint: Not to help the poor.

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Before the Ah ended in D3 the Ah was just flooded with sets and op gear. It pretty much made grinding a worthless thing. It was the Ah game not a Arpg.

I have no ambition in getting into the leaderboards, but I don’t like the feeling that my time and labor are a joke.

For RMT to affect your gameplay you must be in competition with other players. If this isn’t the case, which you stated it isn’t for you, you have nothing to worry about.
If I could share any advice, it would be to not care. So, if this thread is for you to help yourself come to terms with the fact that RMT exists then you only need to change your mindset when you log in.

Your efforts will never be a joke so long as you don’t compete with anyone but yourself.

Don’t get into RMT.

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That is only if you took part in it. You first have to care about it and make that part of your personality every time you log in for it to upset you. But that is your choice.

The best way to deal with this is to not take part in it, play your game your way, stay out of leaderboards if can’t come to terms with RMT existing, and only trade amongst your friend group. If Leaderboard e-peen gloating is part of your personality, then pray they have the tools to combat it effectively. I do hope they have them.

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Totally agree with this. The only part of the game I feel like could be affected by RMT is PvP since it’s very clear direct competition vs other builds/gear. And then when you crack open the hood to see what the best players are using, you realize they don’t have perfect gear. They have perfect affix selection and perfect builds.

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I suspect they added trading to appease those who were demanding it but once it becomes apparent that cheaters are exploiting the system they will again disable trading.

They will claim “at least we tried”.

Do you still have some old D3 puzzle rings? I have been looking for a legacy version for awhile and still play D3.

I got a few also, hit me up.

In general, having more options in games is better than instituting more restrictions, at least for me. Video games are meant to be fun foremost.

One does not have to use or take part in trading if he/she/them doesn’t enjoy that feature, especially in a mostly-single player experience game like this one.


What would you be paying to “win”? As far as I can see, there is no win in D4 or thing that I would want to pay money to achieve that I cannot do for free.

I enjoy trading. That greatly added to my enjoyment in D2. I want to see it stay in D4 although so far I have only used trade to get a starter want from my son when I first started and could only find staffs and 1 trade where I traded blood for fear to some guy who posted a need in the trade channel on Eternal.

They killed of the Rares that were traded so I guess they had to give us something to trade thus the addition of Legendary and Unique items. Still not what I would call a robust trading system. I do like that they are deleting large caches of boss mats when it appears they are duped or bought for real cash but I am not in favor of restricting trade of mats between friends, clans or grouped players.

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I’ might have a few legacy item on my sc toons Micro,ill have to look if i didnt already melt them down my mistake.

What is normal is dictated by the majority… and the majority are casual players… so the lifeless tryhards are those who are not normal players.

On the topic, an AH, that DOES NOT HAVE the real money system, is not a bad idea. You add some system so that everyone is anonymous and block free trading between players and that’s it, no more P2W or RMT.

Nope Micro looks like i stored them on a follower and deleted them. All i got left Xephrian/Sun Keeper and Grand Vizer from Vanilla d3. My Friend collects them he has alot from Vanilla ill check with him.The Puzzle worked for a while and proced quite a bit,but you needed to take damage,stand in fire for a while or something to that effect later on it didn’t work at all. I rememer when d3 had trials, it always proc a Treasure goblin

No. Just no. Terrible suggestion. Probably the worst I’ve seen yet on the forums.

They can stop it, they choose to embrace it instead. That’s the real issue. Cant do anything about it? Oh, they absolutely could lock everything down and make trading non-existent. But they’re profiting off it, so why would they? All you people saying “it can’t be fixed” and “there’s no use fighting it” are a bunch of idiots.