Expanded trading will lead to P2W

I know many people like to have trading, but not me. Since the upcoming new patch, trading will be expanded to legends which can be used for extracting aspects or crafting. This means players will be able to buy basically all gears except ubers (but can buy Duriel/Andariel tickets). This game will quickly turn into P2W, as in D2R. I’m really disappointed because I remember clearly how P2W ruined my D2R gaming experience.


Nobody actually knows what it means to be P2W.


I am trying to figure how somebody that RMT’s ruins someone else’s experience in a game where generally the majority are playing solo anyways.

The only thing I can see RMT effecting is gauntlet leaderboards starting out. But only a very tiny % of the players are even going to remotely care about that.


RMT black market is already a thing though.

So nothing will change in that regard.


Knowing that I can simply spend $xx to get a wanted gear, I would feel like a halfwit if I spend hundreds of hours to farm for it. But once I get into rmt, I will lose all the passion in this game – this was what I experienced in d2r. I have no ambition in getting into the leaderboards, but I don’t like the feeling that my time and labor are a joke.


Yeah but at least you can’t trade crafted or modified gear.

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I guess I don’t feel that way knowing others may rmt. I like farming for gear and working on my own stuff. I have never felt tempted to spend money to get what I want in a game.

I don’t see a point in worrying over what others are doing or may have honestly.


I would say the current selling of gold is all the P2W power buyers need. Might as well let people trade and have fun since the game is already over run with RMT. That said, they should have a self found mode for people that hate the idea of trade.


Again, I’m not saying I’m affected by what others do. When I was playing d2r a while ago, I farmed for weeks to try to collect runes to make a fortitude, but one day I saw that I could simply buy the needed runes for $5. I bought them and enjoyed it for only half an hour. Then my passion in that game faded on the next day. Whenever I wanna open the game, it came into my mind that the hundreds of hours I spent in this game was only worth $5. This feeling sucks. I never opened the game afterwardz.

RMT will exist even if they limited the game to zero trade. When they had trade disabled for a time all people did was share their accounts to bot farmers or ran bot programs themselves for money.

RMT exists in games that are 100% singleplayer for account data or saves etc/achievements.

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RMT isn’t P2W when it’ll get your account banned. Now will more RMT show up because of open trading? Obviously, it’s the trade-off, no pun intended. No one will stop RMT in an online game, as long as there is a market for it, people will bot, they’ll sell their products, and people will buy it.

Now you can slow it down a little, but you’ll never stop it. You’d be the richest man in the world if you could stop it and sell your own product of how to stop it to various companies. In the meantime, play legitimately, report people, and enjoy yourself, it’s all you can do.


So, not only did you admit to blatantly breaking Blizzards ToS. You also admit that YOU ruined YOUR OWN gameplay experience. Other RMT’rs didn’t ruin your experience. You ruined it yourself.

Furthermore, You state expanded trading will lead to P2W. Sorry to break it to ya bud. But P2W is already in D4. Been there since day 1. There are many forms of P2W, Gold…Boosting services, etc.

The only thing that expanded trading will do is actually bring the community CLOSER together and create more community engagement and social comradery via trading. There is no harm in opening up trading further. It needs to go beyond to Super Uniques as well. There is no harm that can be done that doesn’t already exist.


This would be the “middle ground” way to do this.

Introduce SSF mode as an option and just add another factor for when making shards. You can even flag the account as “no trade” so that for World Bosses and Legion events you can still pull from a large pool.

As for OP and D2R I’m can’t say I ever felt the same about losing interest because I knew others could RMT. For me, I just eventually did SP because I didn’t want to bother with getting playersX through playing with people

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Well, bot is ‘illegal’ but trading is officially encouraged. I will never bot because I may get banned.
When RMT becomes an organic component of a game, it ruins my passion in the game.

With uber uniques going to being droppable from other uber (or as blizz puts them “ladder bosses”) at a lower drop rate than duriel and andriel. We may see more dropping.

While I think opening up trade to them could work, I think we need more uber uniques in the pool maybe, and just some other equally as rare items.

Either way though, I’m not opposed.

Well, I’m more or less thinking further down the line. Right now, no they should stay the same. However, if in the near future other items and systems where added, such as “charms”. Then opening up trading to super uniques would be good as it will help stimulate a trade economy and form a currency and some form of a standard.

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Oh yeah, I definitely agree with this then.

QQ. Finally some trade and economy. Will give me a reason to farm once I’m done with my build. I will farm up a bunch of gold and roll an alt. Happy trading is good again. Thank you blizz for this W. Hope everything becomes tradeable someday, but I’ll settle here for now.


Works the same with the real world with bribing.

Its against the law and you have people who still do it to obtain things others have to work years for.

The logic applies directly to gaming. Only instead of jail time it’s a banned account you can just remake.

We just haven’t found a solid way to stop either from happening. We can only reduce it.

With this trade change they are effectively opening the doors for more RMT for some reason. So just get ready for alot of false positive bans like when SoD in WoW released for any trades, which now at phase 2 you can buy 10 gold with real money, trade it to someone and they get flagged/banned. But you’re home free for 6 months till you get your ban.

Like I said, I know many people embrace expanded trading. This is exactly what is reflected in the replies. I can foresee that it will be like d2r then. Fine. I’ve been a fan of diablo and I have been enjoying d3 with its heavily limited trading, but now I realize that my personal taste has diverged from the major community of this franchise. Perhaps it’s the time to say bye.