Expanded trading will lead to P2W

I don’t agree. We have all had bad luck with RNG when it comes to key drops for builds and often better luck on items we don’t need. Having the ability to trade items to me is a nice change IMO. I was able to help and received help from others during PTR and it made for an overall better experience.

games that are not p2w just make you pay to win by forcing you to deal with guild drama


How exactly was your gaming experienced ruined by so called P2W? Where your forced to pay or win. Show us on the Diablo doll where somebody trading hurt your feels

Of course they’re gonna expand trading to legends, because nobody will buy yellows, since yellows will be 100% useless come s4.

Anyway, this game is going the dark path of Diablo 3 RMAH, well not my problem, since I don’t do trading. People can enjoy their P2W while I just play my own game with trade and local chat disabled.

Is this a joke? I cannot believe I am reading this.

Bye!!! Cant I has your stuff?? <20 chars>

well the whole RMT and botting wasteland that D2R became certainly drove us away in our (me and all my pals) case too.

every chaos / baal run were made by bots spamming about their rmt website.
there was more bots than players.

i do hope D4 won’t have that fate.
though on D4 it’s a bit less of a problem since it’s only party of 4 max, but still bad in my opinion.

“I can’t enjoy fishing knowing that I could just go to the store and buy some fish instead”

Gamers make up the wierdest problems.


This will not be so harsh as D2, since D4 items that can be traded, in general, are easy to find.

Not big deal at all.

I used to see only trades basead on gold (in game gold) which isnt a bad thing.

Lead to P2W? P2W and RMT already exist there bud. Even with no trading or anything RMT sites will just level up characters and sell accounts. Not allowing full trading hurts the game and disabling won’t get rid of RMT.

Competing against other players in PVP or leaderboards is the only time it actually matters in the gameplay. With their personal definition of “P2W” being buying items to clear higher level content that has no affect on PVP content then the person has to take part in it first. That is their choice alone and their fight against FOMO.

Paying money beyond the game’s initial price to gain any advantage in the game. This applies to both single player and multiplayer games.

If I recall D3 has literally ZERO trading and is a botting wasteland, the trading leads to botting argument doesn’t really hold water

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So hype for trading! I hate these SSF people who just follow whatever streamer A does. D2jsp returns bb.

The people who follow what streamers do trade to match the streamer’s gear ASAP.

Prefer open trading than not being able to. RMT occur in most games unfortunately over time.

I don’t care one bit.

I’d MUCH rather have free trade and some people RMTing than not to have free trade at all.

The could control it to a degree: Boss Summoning Materials :no_entry_sign: Consumables :no_entry_sign:
They go to Materials Tab :white_check_mark:
No more duping and RMT for them.
Yes, yes carries and ‘services’ but they’d be cutting rmt off at the knees considering it’s 1k% easier to just dupe mats and sell them vs having to actually farm(even if botted), matchmaking with players to run them through bosses etc.

Highly unlikely unless items have been coded improperly.
1st regarding Summoning Materials which should go to Materials Tab…

Summoning Materials could be duped because they’re “Stackable”.
They don’t have an individual unique identification string - most stackable currency won’t.
Therefore the game does not ‘detect’ duplicates because they all look the same. That’s why they did their hamfisted “any stacks over 200 are deleted” blanket deletion.

“Legendary Items with 3 Greater Affixes will be duped like no one’s business”

Every item in the game should have a Unique Identifier code to them - if they’ve done their coding properly. That’s anti-dupe 101.
Take your GAIII example: Item has a code X12345670-9
Someone dupes this and it could be flagged: X12345670-9(1) ← this showing it’s a duplicate. Much like downloading multiples of the same file which will get a (1) (2) etc.

I don’t think we have to worry too much about “Item” Duplication as we do and have been with Boss Mats - again if they coded items properly.

  • Bind on Trade
    With trading being open, I think this is the direction they should go.
    It won’t totally curb RMT - BUT it will force item sellers to have to use the Account they found the item on.
    No transferring items to mule or alt throwaway trade accounts.

The “Economy”(shudder…) will still thrive and trading will still work just fine.
Each item is limited to 1x Trade - no selling items to RMT to then sell items back to players or farm with bots, transfer to different account(s) and sell etc.
It’s a :adhesive_bandage: but would prove to be a hurdle and inconvenience.

Oh I would try that Pack if given the option definitely lol. Don’t care about pvp or leaderboards, so that would be really enticing hehe

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They have expanded trade so much I dont think relying on third party websites is a good look anymore. I have to bite the bullet and admit for the overall good of the game and the overall playerbase that the Auction House needs to return and be smart about it like all bought items become bound.

Auction House = https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/the-case-in-favor-of-a-s4-auction-house