Every season, new character for season pass

I really can’t understand how people are like “I know better than every ARPG out there” and say MMO style will cause people to stay longer.

You do realize how many other things are in MMO’s to cause them to stay right? Weekly raids, daily quests, collectibles with extremely low drop rates, jump puzzles, minigames, countless regions and sidequests, crafting, multiple professions, power creep, and many other things.

Thinking people will stay in D4 just because you get to keep your character is stupidity. People will finish their character and they will either roll a new one, grind the leaderboards, or wait for the next season.


Well, you ignored me, but now reply. Calling me both an idiot and a moron in the same post deserves a reported.

I’ve been suspended for less, let’s see how the CM treat you.

Personally I am looking for something to play alongside my MMO. Over the past years I have completed several games along side ESO. AC Odyssey, Valahalla, CP2077 (3x), Elden ring (4x), Control, Deathloop, Disco Elysium, Hitman 3, Steelrising. WoLong…just to name a few.

Grinding season content will only take me away from other games, not necessarily my MMO.

I play ESO too. But I’ll be honest, I have MMO Diablo4 so I forget about ESO right away. Lost Ark almost proved it, but I didn’t enjoy the color and the sanding anymore. I’d rather invest every month in something I enjoy than wait every three months to be able to play again from 0, I don’t like seasons. Let them put them in the content, but as an aside and, above all, let them do it like big games like ESO, WoW, LA, GW2 … … … … . Even a game like Drakensang Online makes more sense than seasons in games.


I aggre, option is the key. I am not a fan or leveling a new character every x months. Sometimes maybe I will want to try new class, for example, then the seasons will be a good opportunity for that, but in the meantime I want to progress my main character and hope to have access to battle pass free or both tiers.

Well you can progress… on eternal. they said the new stuff will come to eternal realm… didnt specifiy when. but sure it will be after the season. So the choice is yours. But battlepass is season only. And will stay that way, it’s one of the incentives for people to start a new, and do seasons.

So enjoy Eternal realm to it’s fullest, and only do seasons when you want to raise a new character.

Begin to experience within an hour, not be completely done with it and ready to move on.

Yeah that I do not understand, why there should be incentive to play seasons particularly, the incentives should be to play the game itself. For example seasons are an incentive to play the game - you do new quests different mechanics etc… and battle pass should also be an incentive to play the game and not only for seasons. New items are incentive and so on… This way everyone can play the game the way they want to.


There always has been since d3. I mean you get full set of gear. you’ve gotten unique cosmetics. frames, pets. etc. This isnt a huge change, its mostly just under a different name. and a paid function.

You didnt get these things on normal characters, you had to play seasons.
Theres no reason a eternal character at level 100, should be able to run a BP and get all the stuff seasonal gets… for fully restarting.

Or should there be a redundancy and eternal characters be forced to do the same stuff that seasonal characters do? start from level 1. no buffs, no access to gear. etc?

Definitely not that.
For example the characters on eternal continue to do content, dungeons, hell tide, etc and gather experience which goes to BP progression.

What do you mean no buffs? Im pretty sure on the live stream they said shrines of Lilith will care over depending on if you are hardcore or normal as those need to be done separately…

I think the biggest issues with seasons doing resets is it kills any for lack of a better word bond to the character. They become throw away characters. I think thats what most get upset about.

I would be nice for them to do a veteran season. The new season. You start the campaign over on a preexisting character but make it much much harder. That way it allows you to use a character you put time into to the test.

I agree this season starting over isnt new. I think there is the issue of complaining to just complain at times.

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Yeah think I was looking for a different word. no clue. maya just made a stupid mistake saying that.

And thats why Rebirth was great. You keep the character it just resets to a level 1. Either way It’s definitely not going to change.

They could make it like d2 originally. not give any rewards, then people would be crying “theres no reason to play seasons!”

Yeah that sounds great… a max level character… kitted out… Yeah no. Cant agree with that.

To each there own… but if the veteran season was lets say effectively tier 6 or 7 in difficulty but only dropped tier 5 gear. It would be a challange for sure. That way post season the veteran season player wouldnt have a gear advantage.

Though obviously they wouldnt be allowed to join normal seasons characters mid season. They would have to be like hardcore characters seperated till the seasons over then transferred to the eternal realm.

It should absolutely be this. It’s a Battlepass, not some archaic season mechanic.

Battlepass is it’s own content. A progression project that all characters should be able to contribute to.

Says the guy with 83 posts in total, to the guy with nwaely 700… unless youve just been lurking for a decade.

So you use an alt account to support your main account.

And that 700(677) post account joined AFTER I DID, so you no-life a forum, responding to every post to make yourself feel wanted and involved?

677 posts in just over a month….lol.

Somehow having more posts makes you know more about valid gaming mechanics?

Get a life, go touch grass.

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Post count is irrelevant.

Someone who babbles trivial things in a constant stream, has less to say that someone who speaks rarely but with great wisdom.

Neither of which may hold for you, nor for Ace … but the principle remains: volume of posting is of zero relevance in any discussion.

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It would be nice to have a new worldmap layout in every season for new characters while the older characters would stay on the previous worldmap. It could work like a server too who is playing on which map. I am just a casual player who never had a lev60+ character on D2, you can call me noob if you like. I just want to enjoy the classes, the story, the discovery, the creative combat and gameplay ideas so I am not really interested about endgame or such high level items what I can never find. But I am definately worried if I have to play the same worldmap again and again. I like randomized dungeons, but technically everything was randomized outside of the towns in D2. Here looks a bit boring to see the same valleys and mountains during youtube replays so I can only hope they will find a way to change the landscape in future patches, seasons or expansion.

Well that’s where the new mechanic’s and events come into play. We will have to wait and see how much those will effect the game play and the world. The layouts maybe the same but maybe there will be enough new things to freshen it up.

Ah yes, the lurking ability is definitely worth more than interacting argument…