Every season, new character for season pass

Not much of character progression , like MMOs, if you need to start a new character every 3 months.

Why would you need to start a new character in order to complete the season pass? MMOs don’t do this.

  • Destiny has a season pass and I don’t roll a new character every season.
  • ESO has a season pass, no new character required there.
    …I can go on and on. Every MMO that has a season pass, doesn’t require you to roll a new character.

So hello Diablo 4, are you really going to give us new content every season that our characters we built CANNOT do? We need to roll.a level 1?


… You’re new here… right? Since Diablo 2 there have been “seasons” You do not have to participate in them. As far as we all know. after the season is done, the content will come over to eternal realms.

Which seems to be verified.
"Piepiora said players who aren’t interested in the endgame seasonal grind can skip it altogether and return when a story update happens without being left behind. "


New? LoL. Go troll elsewhere. My Blizzard account has a longer history than yours, I can assure you that. And look at post history genius, I have one of the largest posts on this forum, actually one to help get something resolved…not like you going around crapping on everyone’s post.

Read the article.

The season pass requires a new level 1 character to progress through the season. You can’t use your existing characters. Unlike ‘seasons’, which is what you are referring to, season pass content in other games can be done with your existing characters,


I don’t necessarily mind creating a new character every 3 months.

However, I do object to being asked to play 80 hours every 3 months to complete the battle pass. While I fully expect to play much more than 80 hours in 3 months initially, I think this will drop over time. I want to still be playing Diablo 4 in a year, but I also want to have time for other games too. I expect that, in a year, I’ll want to play around 25-35 hours per 3 months, but that would get me less than half the battle pass.

If seasons will really take 80 hours to complete, I’d prefer it if all seasons after the first lasted 6 months instead of 3. Or alternatively, make them only take 40 hours to complete.

Or maybe even run two seasons at once, and you can progress either depending on which character you select. That would allow people who really want to play 80 hours per 3 months to get rewards for it, and people who want to play less just can do every second season, but still complete the seasons that they do play.


I guess that’s the core of what Im getting at Cranky. If there IS 80 hours worth of content in a season pass, I can’t play that 80 hours of new content on my EXISTING characters? Is this where we have to wait for the season to be over to play that season’s content on our existing characters? All while the new season starts requiring new characters again.

Forcing you to restart with a level 1 is an artificial game mechanic for game content.

Diablo 4 has to decide what it is. Is it a MMO where you get actual character progression? Is it a live service game that has new content for all players to experience with their current characters they attached to and worked on for a 100 hours?

Or is it Diablo 2 where you had seasonal ladders and season only runewords? Or is it Diablo 3 where we had new gameplay mechanics as part of the seasons?

Diablo 4 is being marketed as a MMO lite and a live service game, but wants to hang on to this online coop seasonal play of the old Diablos. Something doesn’t fit.


LMAO Care to prove it? I mean if you’re gonna try and flex

Oh my, my internet points!

Seasons… always has been a “Start from level 1.”
But I mean you’ve been around a long time. right? So you should know that.

Furthermore… there isnt 80 hours of actual content,. the new content will be seen within first hour. And after SEASONS END, that content will be moved to eternal realm. The rest of the hours is doing the actual battle pass… which as far as known only paid has a cosmetic at the end…


Because this isn’t an MMO. This is an ARPG with MMO elements. Nobody cares about what you want for seasons. Seasons have been done the same way for over a decade because people who play the genre want it that way.


Seasons never included new game stories and different story regions. The most you had in Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 were season only runewords and season gear sets, and maybe unique rifts.

Diablo 4 is creating 80 hours worth of content locked behind a paywall and forced to be redone by a level 1. Your existing characters don’t get to experience that content.

That is NOT the way seasons were. Period.


Furthermore… there isnt 80 hours of actual content,. the new content will be seen within first hour. And after SEASONS END, that content will be moved to eternal realm. The rest of the hours is doing the actual battle pass… which as far as known only paid has a cosmetic at the end…

Also still waiting for that flex, showing when you started blizz games.

If you can experience the new content for a season in an hour of gameplay, what are they expecting to take the other 79 hours during a season pass?

And im more than happy to prove my Blizzard gaming experience. How would you like to start? Account status in the current Blizzard game accounts doesnt go back to battlenet. And battlenet accounts didn’t hold game keys. Trust me…You would be embarrassed.


Did you not read?

GRINDING TO LEVEL 100 doing all challenges of BP. Either way all that content comes to eternal AFTER seasons end so you can USE your OLD character to do them.

That flex of yours where is it? You’re the one saying yours is oldest. so find a way to prove it.

Don’t think they’ve mentioned anything about new regions, and the questlines are based on the new season mechanic.

What paywall? The season is free. The season pass is free. You can pay for the premium track though.

For ARPG’s it is how its always been done.


Holy snikey… i didnt see him say paywall either… Jesus… another person that thinks you HAVE to pay for… the premium pass… that gets you cosmetics… lmao!!


The content is not locked behind a paywall. You dont have to pay anything to participate in seasons. The battle pass is optional and contains just cosmetics.


TBF there could be more than just an hour of content. He just said you should see it in the first hour of play. Doesnt mean that it only lasts an hour. Although I would not expect a ton out of just 3 months of work. Especially when thats free.

Also TBF we dont know for certain that they will move the stuff to eternal realms. That was never specifically said. The quote from the article could mean a lot of different things. That being one of them but it could also mean something else. For instance it could mean something like “For those not interested in grinding for gear once max level, you can return and see the new story in the seasons content.” That doesnt necessarily mean it will be put on the eternal realm.

Well, with all box editions of Diablo 2 and LOD, that’s not a timestamp I can provide. But their on my shelf from 2000.

Diablo 3 CE PC box on shelf. Another D3 CE for Xbox 360, then transferred over to Xbox One. Now on Xbox Series X.

My WoW account is a day one, actual release date of November 22nd 2004 cause i was on the servers and hour early. But bounced after character creation. Have WoW physical CEs up to WotLK. Maintained a WoW sub for 11 years.

I have 13 Blizzard games listed on my current Battlenet account.

Attended the first Blizzcon with Offspring as the concert. Played Starcraft Ghost on the 360 at the convention center.
Attended the last, in-person Blizzcon and played D4 at the convention center. Played it continuously as no one was in line. Have both Blizzcon badges to show for it.

So I guess I go back to 1999 with my original Battlenet account.

Do with all that what you want, Im an old gamer. I started on a Atari 2600, cartridge days. Lot’s of history.


Didn’t ask.

Literally none of what you said matters in any way.

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You reach the new content within an hour. but i get it. and as kaze up there stated, the new content apparently just a tutorial for the new mechanics. Either way… pretty sure it is coming to eternal. hopefully it’s 100% confirmed on the 20th stream, so people can stop whining.

As for Ace. I admit Impressive. But I’ve also played WoW since official launch. But diablo 1 since launch day as well. back in 1996, also had the ps1 version for it. I started on nes, but went way back into older systems too… Dear god… Did you ever play masters of the universe on the 2600?

Either way you definitely a vet too. So IO give ya that.

That was info for me kaze

Ah, he replied to the wrong comment. Still a useless flex to be fair.

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yeah i cant wait until the 20th. Hopefully they give us a lot of new information that isnt cryptic.

I know the other comment was for Ace but I been gaming since before the 2600 too. I didnt play that game but I remember how pissed I was when I killed my atari playing asteroids. I flipped asteroids like 8 times straight. A lot of games when you finish had a little something at the end. Asteroids just flipped back to level 1 and I kept playing thinking it was just a bug that I didnt get anything at the end. Not even credits. My Atari burned out or something because it never worked again after that =(. I also payed that bugged ET game. I didnt even know back then it was bugged. I thought I just wasnt good enough to get past that level or something.