Error Code 397000

Error Code 397000 does anyone know how to fix this?


Same as of this moment. On EU servers. Well, that saves me the decision what to play and what to not play next.

did you try to close battlenet and check for an update?

  1. Close both the game and the launcher, then reopen them.
  2. Open your launcher and click on the blue gear icon located next to the “Play” button. Select “Check for Update” to ensure you have all the necessary updates. Download any missing updates before restarting the launcher.
  3. Click the same blue gear icon and choose “Scan and Repair.” Allow the game to perform the repair process and wait until it completes before relaunching the game.
  4. Restart your computer or console before launching the game again.

I play on EU servers myself, no login error.

Done all of this, still got the error. EU server


Same here cant loging on EU server

hmmm ill try to logg in again and see.

Edit: can still normally log in on EU.
Thats for sure odd. id move the post to

or even file a support ticket.

you guys playing on pc or console?

I’am on XBOX and got the same error. No updates waiting for the game, just can’t access the lobby servers error message.


Try doing ‘something’ else and try again. :nerd_face:

Tried everything and having the same error myself, EU Server

playing on pc version here

same here. I was about delete the game. then I diceded to look for forums and it seems its a common issue for now. I will try again few hours later unfortunately which I dont have much time.

Same here, Europe server

Why is no official interested? I’ve been getting the same error for exactly 3 hours. Unfortunately, the game cannot be logged in. Error code 397000

probably because there is no solution to it yet.

id pay attention to

as you wont see an official reply in pc general discussions, except they are releasing a hotfix.

Windows 11 updated itself yesterday. At first i thought this was a Win11 issue once again. “Glad” to see others are also affected. RIP event i guess if this won’t get fixed.

Yeh also same issue here.
in the bottom of the screen. don’t know if that helps anyone… says: prod . actual . battle . net

(without spaces, because blizzard won’t allow links… they even write them self… )

The people i’m playing with is starting to just say "It’s blizzard… " every time something is wrong and shrugs as why would you even be surprised that it’s an issue… of course it is.

I hope they fix it… it’s not everyone that got 14 hours a day to play… and just try and get 30 - 60 min. now and then… but yeh. it’s not really as easy as it should be with these things.

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Im get it too right now no way to get in. Im on steam seems its old version or something.