Eridu just got nerfed

Blizz hates efficiency, now we gotta find the next best dense dungeon


This is going to lead to every single dungeon being nerfed as the community cycles to their next best XP option lol


at this point they should rather put a cooldown on a dungeon rather than nerf them one by one to stop people exploiting the party to farm one dung over and over.


Did they hard nerfed eridu?

What is next best dungeon?

Do these imbeciles ever fix XP gain from nightmare dungeons so I have reason to push as intended?


link? proof? will go see my self i guess

Literally just ran it 3x and had half a stash of yellows. I was like, welp, she GONE.

Sure enough.


the event where the mobs drop on you such at when you get to 10 monsters left, instead of a healthy mob its like 4 units

Ah, the mmo special… Timers galore!

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if we find another good dungeon we need to keep it inside other forums/places and nowhere where blizzard can officially see. It will slow down their speediness in these ruthless nonsensical nerfs

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Oh it’s slaughtered. About 1/4 of elites. I ran it 3x ina row and only had half a stash tab of yellows.


They can’t admit it’s an exploit and actually ban streamers.


Pretty sure the devs are out of touch with what the players want from the game.

They want end game challenges. Leveling shouldn’t be the obstacle until the last 20 levels or so.

End game challenges should start around 80-90.


But this dungeon was fun to run tho?

Because it was packed with mobs.

Doing a normal dungeon is dull af


Are they actively trying to get people to quit the game by nerfing anything they enjoy rather than fixing anything from the long list of complaints?
No incentivization to run nightmare dungeons
No reset button for solo, but parties can reset instantly
Running to every dungeon like this is some weird merger of diablo and wow
No gem tab
4 stash tabs

Blizzard detected fun so they nerf it rather than fix this mediocre game.


Reminds me of early D3 when they kept nerfing chests over and over again.


Yeah Eridu full trash can now - atleast i know of 4 other dungeons left to farm

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If you guys find one more dungeon to exploit, blizzard is going to get so angry that they will nerf the barb and rogue again and also double the rarity of their cool items so your chances of finding them in 3 lifetimes goes from 0% to 0%. Be careful.

Lmao i have feeling they just sit in there quiet watching what to nerf what to disable while counting money from selling product

Unfinished product.


Rather timers than endless spiral of dungeon nerfs…

OFC they cant. :smiley:
Half of them would be already banned.

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please dont post them ANYWHERE thats related to blizzard official.

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