Endgame is unfun from a level 100 perspective

The game is fun up until around level 70 or so, then not so much when all the items you get from 70+ all have the same item power range of like 700-820, leaving little to no room for upgrades other than certain items having 1 extra stat on it that you want. It’s really just the lack of any real progression other than a few more paragon points that drains my motivation to keep leveling, and my guess is that they already have expansions planned to fix this and add more end game stuff, but that is probably years away still.

There are things to do…farm for Shako LOL

The game has been out for 2 weeks. Normal casual player probably is still doing the campaing. Sure, there needs to be content for the hardcore players also, but maybe, just maybe, next time take your time man.

There is also hardcore mode for you to play. There will be plenty of new content to be added in the future. Including seasons. Don’t worry, they will keep us occupied and entertained with the game. The time is yet to come.

If you feel bored now, take a rest. You deserve it. Go outside maybe? Play hardcore or something else, until season 1 comes out.

I’m sure the ladder system will keep players like you more motivated. Hmm, maybe some cool cosmetics for top ladder players? Who knows whats to come.

You’re supposed to get to 100 sloooowly and THEN discover there’s nothing to do.

See? Different result! /s


Yeah this is the last Blizzard game I’m putting money into. This is an open Beta at best.

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it will take most people a couple hundred hours at least. there isn’t nothing to do just not a lot of variety. Most arpg’s develop that variety over time. people are comparing this game to arpg’s that have 10 years of content additions like poe. You can create another character and play that. Or wait for a season or 2.

Because repeating the same 20 bosses in 150 different dungeons from lvl 50 to 100 is so much “NEW” stuff to do…
Let’s be real for once and call it as it is. Out of the 150 dungeons maybe 20 are actually unique and the rest are just reskins. It gets real boring, REAL FAST, spamming the same dungeons over and over again when at the end of the tunnel is another Lilith fight.
The game IS GOOD but it needs a lot of improvements to keep people’s interests in the game.

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How does that detract from the fact that that there is barely any content between end of campaign and 100?

You would have a point if post campaign, there were tons of worthwhile milestones to achieve, but there’s literally 2 capstone dungeons and uber lilith. No, the nightmare dungeons aren’t proper end game content it’s simply filler.


There is no end game… The game have literally 5-6 dungeon cappy pasted all over the map. The cave, the Arabic castle layout, The tumor demonic cave, the frozen cave, the castle/fort and thats it with 10 bosses re-used in every of those dungeons with 5 objectives. The early game is very good, the game is smooth and feeling good to play but after 75 its just boring, the loot is boring the farm is boring only the pvp is somewhat fun but getting tired of it quickly.


Clowns like you don’t understand his point. Everyone sub-80 right now will run into the same problems. He’s just playing it more consistently and will hit the walls before the casual gamer does. They sold us endgame and gave us no game.

There’s no level 100 chase items. The only thing to achieve is killing uber Lilith.


Play Hardcore to 100 if you are bored.

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Doing all the same things on hardcore does not fix the issues in this post.

The guy literally put more time than you have in your life at work and your whining because he’s giving his opinion on it? Good one Dante’s Inferno.

Diablo games don’t really get good until the expansion drops. So i’m just waiting for that now.

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Diablo 4 was designed such that the “journey from 50 to 100” is the end-game, while the majority of players would consider “end-game” only once you’ve reached the max level. The game isn’t what people expected it to be, and so in a way it failed to deliver and manage players’ expectations. How do we move forward from here? Seasonal content to repeat massive “journey” grind from 50 to 100 every 3 months isn’t quite enjoyable after all. I would thus have to call on Blizzard to redesign the so called “end-game” for level 100 and give them activities to do specifically just for level 100 players, not 95, not 99, but 100. In reality reaching 100 should be an achievement of sort. Players should feel accomplished, and should indeed be rewarded by unlocking a specially gated part of the game tailored only for level 100 players. Instead, the game just … stays the same. How disappointing and what a let down.

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It is clear that the target audience is the casual player, but it is a shame they have completely neglected the more dedicated gamers.
I think most of the early game is very well done and polished. Really hope Blizzard focuses on the endgame now.

Items should be more impactful.

BiS items should take longer to acquire, similar to D2. Things that are easy to obtain lose their value. It’s pathetic when a gazillion high level items drop and you don’t feel euphoria, because it’s so common.

It should take longer to achieve the maximum potential of your character. Right now you reach a point where you kill everything too fast, too easily.

Don’t make some kind of endless progression that no-lifers and streamers can take advantage of by pouring time into it and get an advantage against people that are competing for a position in some kind of leaderboard (this is for the future, when seasons begin) and cause FOMO on people who would like to compete, but can’t put that much time into it. This was one of the worst things in Diablo 3 that the community complained the most about, especially the solo players because of group XP bonus and inherent advantage. It would be better to make leaderboard more reliant on “skill” and “game knowledge”, rather than “time available to play the game”. Like being able to navigate a boss, a dungeon, specific mechanics, puzzle, time trials, whatever, anything better than “I played 14 hours a day for 4 weeks and got 4k more paragon than the plebs who play 6 hours or less, I’m a better gamer HEheheeEHEHEheHEehe”

Speaking of which, please for the love of god, make SSF mode, SSF leaderboard etc., perhaps even make a “Duo” or “Trio” mode as well. Competition is something that makes people put a lot of time into a game. In D3, many solo players know they have no chance against people that farmed paragon in group of 4s.

The “anti-rush” gamers in this thread need to understand that you will reach the same point as OP, just slower, but you WILL get there. We don’t want Diablo 4 to just be a single-player campaign game that you complete the main questline and go next game. Nahhh, we want to be able to play, replay and indulge into endgame content for hours.

Open world is a fun idea. Being able to see other players and interact with them, similar to a MMORPG makes the world feel more alive, it’s really cool, but open world content needs to become more relevant. Right now, if you want to get stronger, you will just do nightmare dungeons. Nerf nightmare dungeons and/or buff open world.

PvP can be a whole endgame content in itself, don’t underestimate that aspect of the game, but of course, it needs work… I’m sure there are a lot of suggestions already on this.

I don’t know about that. Casual players often just quit if they see the grind wall. I mean… I’m a weird mix of a casual/hardcore gamer and I got sick of all the content the game has at lvl 60. Took me only 15 lvls after the story to feel dead inside while playing this. I feel like a bot. Thats not good… and I effin played silkroad, cabal, dragon nest, c9 and all these free korean grinder mmo ages ago.

I dunno if I have the mental strength to grind to lvl 100. Not when every single system and mechanic there is in this game… has problems.

For some weird reason tho. Diablo 3 doesnt have that problem despite it only being a rift dungeon simulator. The difference probably is. You feel progression in most games. In this one… not.

I guess a large part is the level scaling outside of nightmare dungeons, that makes you feel like you are not progressing. It is a constant battle to keep up your power level to the monsters getting stronger every time you level up. At the same time there are no GG items that spike your power above the content. Uniques just do not fill that role.

op plays barb. i can tell by “lvl 75 nmd solo”, “in pvp i am unstoppable” and “uber lilith trys”. caster still have to wait for a patch to do this.