Endgame is unfun from a level 100 perspective

It is just sorc that massively falls off in endgame. Earlygame sorcs and rogues can blast 10x faster through the campaign. Endgame I’d even say rogue is the best and most versatile class. Overall I am not worried much about class balance. Blizz will get that right.



Judging from previous games, it may take a few years, but my statement remains :smiley:

You should keep in mind that most players are not even level 60 yet. Blizzard or any other developer will never cater to players who play 15+ hours a day.

However, I agree that Diablo IV needs a big amount of fixing and I hope seasons will add new features and QoL to the game.

I am personally going to support Diablo IV quite a lot. Got Ultimate Edition and I have also purchased the 100€ Platinum pack which I already spent on cosmetics :smiley:

I hope POE2 will be an awesome game as well so I can hop in between these two.

Very very good post OP.

If the road to 100 and min/max gear, paragon and glyphs is a good and variable one, then D4 is for sure a hundred hours of game where it might be fun to return to a new season to see whats happening. This is where I feel we are now, and its not bad at all.

But like you say OP, as it is with Diablo we all know people want that thousands of hour game and then we need something to actually DO once we hit the top / stagnate enough on the character build.

Something that answers the question : If I dont build on it, what do I do with my character? Pvp? Trade? Solo Climb/speed competition leaderboard? What else???

They way I see it is that there are two types of endgame there
1 - solo dedicated endgame things to do
2 - multiplayer dedicated endgame things to do

Solo things could be leaderboards for best time at Dungeon lvl X, leaderboards for highest level of dungeon, things like that. Baically like track and field or any other type of sport where you compete alone wiith your body/character to climb a leaderboard based on a given type of challange.

Multiplayer things are different. Here there is a ruleset yes but its more of a base framework, the actual endgame is what happens between players. Soccer you shoot a ball in a net, but the game is what happens between players.

In a way we already got stuff, pvp and trading. One being competitive, one being a serious min/maxing of your character through social interaction (but not a necessary one). I think right now trading is underrated. Finding that 800+ item power ring with the right 4 stats, hard. High rolls? VERY hard. Perf rolls? Close to impossible. Items getting account bound once tweaked means there is a serious sink hole on the market which is good. All in all, tading and PVP can ofc be improved but we got two things to do.

I would ofc like more multiplayer endgame stuff, not just solo things that you do together. Thats not multiplayer.

The content devs add for multiplayer endgame needs to simply be a framework where the actual endgame is what the players do when they interact. For Solo its different, here its more or less 100% what the devs decide, then players tries to achieve it.

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They quite literally said OUTRIGHT months ago that characters were not meant to be upgraded in perpetuity. There is a limit to what you can achieve each Season, and they fully expect people to hop in and out because of this. So if they didn’t “expect” it, then they were willfully ignoring what was said.

This sounds like an excuse to ship a thin game. Judging by the financial success D4 has been, these goalposts are very easy to move.

No, it’s just a realization that most humans don’t hook up an IV drip of Code Red Mountain Dew and exhaust all content within seven days.

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Again that argument. Smh. You do understand these issues apply to everyone, you will just get there later.
This was not advertised as a singleplayer campaign game. It is a live service, ever evolving ARPG with MMO features. This topics point is to hopefully direct the evolution so that everybody has a great experience playing this.

Im playing diablo for the first time ever so don’t instant flame me… Yet.
But here are some questions.

Is it normal to have this lack of storage space?

Potions and sigils in same tab, why? Also why only 2 rows where gear has 3 rows of bag space? (which is not much)

If I wanna try new pve builds, pvp builds, new paragon boards, new pathways in paragons… Why does the game takes millions of gold?

Why are there no presets to make, so after I try a new build/paragon I can instant go back?
Isnt the point of paragon boards to give more freedom and let me explore as much in those boards possible without being punished for doing so?
Why cant we put in our points and boards without actually confirming them, so we can find more and easier pathways?

Why isn’t the xp in (high) nightmares buffed, so it actual feels rewarding to push?
Im getting 700k xp for a nightmare 50 (10-15min), but im also getting 700-800k per 3 min in a normal dungeon (not telling which one, pls no more nerfs)

Why can I get 807 power item in a normal T4 dungeon?

Why are bosses on any difficulty non existent in this game? Zero abilities, no mechanics.
Why is there a stagger bar, but does every boss bleed out without it ever being triggered. And if its getting triggered by magic, the boss melts in 3 seconds instead of the normal 20 seconds.

I’m not saying every boss has to be lilith, but there is something in between I assume?

What’s the point of levelling when the mobs in dungeons are levelling with me? Isn’t this the part where nightmares sigils come in?

Who did these dungeons objectives? Kill all nmi’s, pick up 2/3 items and run all the way back, kill this dude for a key or nuke wood/blood, click prisoners that sometimes are already dead…
Its always 2 out of these? Times 100+ dungeons…

Gear example. Let’s say I have X gear on 700 power item. Rolls bis stats with 85+ % on the 4 stats I want.
Why are the base stats of a 800 power item not above the 100% stats of the 700 power item?
How much gold do vendors wanna make?

Is 35k xp for a side quest normal at level 83? Where I need about 13 million xp to level? Can we bump that up?
Or should I have done al side quests instead of campaign at low level and only the real diablo players were aware of this?

Can I see ilv on items while it’s still on the ground?
Why does sacred gear drops in 40+ T4 nightmares?
Can I have a search bar to locate gear/aspects in my vault?/bag
Will there ever be content u actual need 4 players for? Like i dont know…hit 4 switches in a timeframe of 5 sec of eachother to open a door/bossfight whatever.

Will there ever be endgame activities other than nightmares which feels a lot like wow m+ dungeons? Except there u actually need to run with a tank/heal and dps to clear it.

Why can we not look for other players to do any content? Can we add some auto grouping for let’s say helltides, nightmares, worldbosses?

Isn’t the point of getting higher that we don’t have to worry too much about recources?
Mana potions? Fury potions?
Why does my health scales with ilv but recource (and costs) stays the same?

Why does my cpu/gpu heats up 60% more than with any other game on the market? It’s already hot enough outside, don’t need more heat in my room ty.

Is season 1 coming soon with more stuff to do towards the endgame?

Btw I actual like the game, it looks good, movement feels good, but it also feels kinda gated imo.
And levelling 75 to 100… Ugh. Kinda rough atm. (83 right now)


Seems like its targetted towards ultra casuals then. After the campaign you have 2 capstones and uber lilith as milestones to achieve, all the other content is repetitive, too easy or both. Even diablo immortal has more milestone content that gives players of all skill levels something to look forward to.

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Yeah I just found this out tonight when I respec’d from firewall to ice shards at 82. Unclicking each paragon node was ridiculous. Especially since they’re kind of hard to differentiate and follow backwards.

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Fair questions/criticism. Hopefully many of those issues will be changed in the future. We need a big QOL patch.

but look at his diabla 2 hours, hes gotta be right!

The most fun activity is trading! I find something and can trade for other things i want or trade it away for some form of currency to help gear alts later or during future ladder seasons.

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Open trading in D4 would solve a lot of end game motivational issues for sure. It also needs better uniques and a vaster array of them. Getting to the true item hunt, which is level 100, needs to be much more streamlined as well.

No one has a Shako yet outside of 1 lone Korean kid which may or may not be factual

Yes…exactly same thought i have,there’s no diffrence to run nm20+ or nm50+ or even nm100…or uber lilith.The character development curve is not closed,the only thing i can get from nm dungeon is tiny possibly‘s build improve(6% CSD maybe),and my painful wrist.

why did you skip the story :slight_smile:

Wdym skip the story? I watched every cutscene and read all the dialogue???