Endgame is unfun from a level 100 perspective

Oh, no NM dungeons definitely should reward much more XP and items than normal dungeons. I just meant that tier 100 NM dungeons should not reward more (relatively to clear speeds) than say tier 70 NM dungeons. Otherwise it just limits the viability of builds the same way that D3 GRifts did with its continuously scaling XP rewards.
It is fine to have some content in the end that is solely there for pushing yourself, without getting extra rewards for doing so.

What NM dungeons should not do, is reward more XP and gear than other endgame activities; like helltides and tree of whisper quests. Those need to scale the same way that NM dungeons do, so they can offer the same difficulty and the same rewards.
Again so we dont end up with NM dungeons as the sole endgame activity.


You clearly have not reached endgame. I do not understand the need to troll.

“TLDR: I ran dungeons, probably Blind Burrows, until my eyes bled and am now bored with the game.”

Can’t imagine why.

Great thread - at level 73 atm.
Still trying to max gear - steamrolling Tier 4 having fun
I feel strong now - so reading this - what is there to chase beside other builds - tho im running out of space - almost 2 bank slots full of aspects - 1 slot of gems and 1 slot for gear… why not just make endless bank tabs with a scroll

who would in his mind can read such a wall, of what should be a rant from someone that just played the game tooo much and its bored of it. lmfao.

If all you did is farm Ruins of Eridu or Champion’s Demise your experience of the end game is pretty much null and void.

Spending 10m+ to “try out builds” is stupid.

No incentive to do high NM dungeons outside of the achievement.

Regardless if you rushed to 100 or not the gameplay is the exact same from 50-100 :person_shrugging:

If you’re currently doing helltides/NMD then you’re already playing “endgame”

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I’ll take pushing nightmare dungeons over running baal until I’m blue in the face, and this is from a D2 fan.

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Had 8 glyphs fully maxed before I hit 100 and can tell you playing legit or not makes no difference. The endgame is still boring.
There is 0 reward for difficulty after around 70. All you gain is paragon nothing else. Drop rates exactly the same, items exactly the same, xp is exactly the same whether you do something 3 levels over you or 20.
Even nms themselves and the glyph farm is not rewarding. Why do 110s for 100ish glyph xp when you can do easy and fast 90s to 100s for 70-80 xp?

Tbh your post just reads like you are trying to brag with your “experience” and that you reached 100. There isnt much substance.

Yeah. Just started doing nightmare dungeons. So i’m looking at how long its going to take to level up my legendary gem… i mean glyph… and I’m asking myself why even bother.

Level 70 here on my primary toon and I am feeling the same way. Started druid which is now 40 and man is it a slog fest. The build I want to play, I can’t of course because it is gated. Haven’t gotten any of the build defining uniques yet. Its. Just. Boring.

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Ahh, the classic “help, the holo deck is out of creates to hunt” problem :stuck_out_tongue:

Well ?, try play HC :slight_smile:

It’s trully different experience and feels rewarding when overcoming a tricky phase in game

You could also try kill Uber-Lilith (i.e. lvl100 Lilith on WT4), she’s tricky AF but pretty sure could “absorb” some of that “FOMO” thing

Also - not this thread alone but in general is a nice proof that not everything has to be a “farm to win”, we need more events where beating/overcoming it (albeit once or few times in a longer period) becomes a thing, otherwise you apparently end up in the place where you are currently

Think there’s something missing with the game but not just endgame, we need another mechanic for crafting/perfection/rounding-up on gear/builds, so that a lvl100 does not feel “complete” just by unlocking the level/paragon and maxxing-out the gear already gotten previously :thinking:

The more I think the more I’m convinced the game needs a “Shards” system for targetted crafting upgrades (upg. one stat and one stat alone, not just increase power level accross the board on every affix and everything scaling up with the upgrading… :P)

Tell me what is different about this compared to the thousands of hours you played Diablo 2? What were the various fun end game activities you took part in with that game?

In D2, D3, PoE items feel important. That’s the main thing. and I mean it in the context that you feel the power spike when you get the items. There aren’t many points in those games where you feel a sense of stagnation. You constantly feel like you’re growing, getting stronger. It’s really important to the end game. In D4 you stop getting a sense that you’re actually getting stronger. Often you feel the opposite, and if you do find a really good item it still feels like it just helps you “hang on” to the power you do have rather than actually make you more powerful. So you feel like you’re spinning your wheels constantly not getting anywhere.

Maybe this isn’t an issue for some. Maybe they like it. but for me it’s not in the spirit of Diablo.

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Farm for items. This game has no chase items. D2 AND D3 had a ton to chase both on release and on their expansions’ release.

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Your post is spot on. Blizzard forgot about the core to arpg games which is the trading system in my opinion. Some people are motivated to play new season to hit lvl 100 but some are motivated to make wealth in trading to min max their gear. yeah yeah, hush hush b/c of RMT but yall got enough money and support implement something about it. We all know this is a full version of beta testing, Blizzard, please analyze all the feedbacks and apply changes before it’s too late.

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That’s exactly how I felt. By 70-75 your build is fully online already. WT4 Helltides drop PLvl 800+ items. If you’re not fully geared by then(m), you just had no idea about what to farm. (IE, didn’t try everything out)

So, now I’m doing content just to get a weird achievement that says I once reached 100? And I’ll be honest, levelling from 1-70 is a DAMN SLOG. I tried to make a Druid, but the early game of the Druid is atrocious. (Cof cof, mana issues.) I’m considering trying a Sorcerer, but from looking at the skills you’re either deadlocked on Cold if you want to actually do things, or at the very minimum Frost Nova. (Which is just terrible design. Vulnerable should either be Rogue only or completely removed from the game.)

This may sound weird, but I’m not bored of the game. Can’t get it out of my mind, to be honest. There are a lot of things I love about it. I just can’t put myself through playing it again right now. (Tried earlier in the day to keep levelling the Rogue, but I couldn’t honestly even leave the city. It just felt like I was doing nothing.)

Roll a new character bruh. Also get a life Jesus 100 already. Are there bunch of jobless kids on this forum? Where are my fellow adults ? lol

Instead of reading what u wrote here, cause it look like as long as an academic article, I want to ask a single question?.. which class did you play?

Probably broken barbarian :slight_smile: which in order to get all the pvp cosmetics in 1 day you have to play with a class that hits and kills everyone in 1 hit, is not affected by any crowd control, is so far from equality that it can cut even the bosses in a few seconds so that it “strangles” after some point.

When you look at this point, what you are going through is quite understandable?
fast-paced with an unfair class, but in the end, that’s the reward for getting everything fast. The main problem is that you explained that you played ALPHA and BETA, what did you do instead of transferring these flaws, that the barbarian class turned the game balance upside down by being so broken. Even if a fix comes, it will be too late.

damn someone needs to go outside. See the sun or life outside your pc. :rofl: