Endgame is unfun from a level 100 perspective

OP has very valid points. But I just see a bunch of smooth brains responding to him by saying, “yOu rUsHeD tHe gAmE”. Even if you’re not 100, they are complaining about things you will eventually run into, in hopes to get them fixed/adjusted. Which in turn will only improve your experience.

I feel as if the the people defending blizzard on this game are bots or just plain daft, their responses offer no critic and seem to add nothing of value but to insult OP.

Also, anyone excited to leave this game for a while for FF16?


By the time you hit WT3, or basically lv 45-50, you unlock the Tree of Whispers and Nightmare dungeons and Hell Tides. That is all you get new to do.

Lv60+ adds nothing new to do, it’s 50 levels of repetitive crap.

Shut the hell up already with your “you rushed to 100 and are bore lul”.

Dummie, I’ve been bored since lv57. The game is empty and unrewarding.


of course its not fun. The nightmare dungeons are a joke. what are you supposed to do when you have your glyphs leveled up?? There is no scale in items as you progress higher up in nightmare dungeons. I can go kill a mob in a normal dungeon and have the same chance as a high nightmare dungeon to get a legendary or unique or a item with 800+ power. The whole system seems flawed as hell


Well you are probably right, anyway i dont have as much time as you so my progression is slowly and my goal is to reach 100 and then wait for the season to check what it brings, hope any new playable mechanic making grinding fun again :smiley: and for sure I will check another class.

Im always sorry for people who are really good and fast in progression because as you wrote you can only search for shako or trying to do 100nm dungeon nothing else matters right now

I guess it’s fine the way it is.
Of course it kinda sucks for hardcore players who now want to invest their whole life into the game.
Blind guess here, given it sold millions already, I guess the typical player is working class and spends like 1-2 at most 3 hours each day playing D4. In average probably even less. There is the huge world, a large number of sidequests. Not all of these are interesting or Witcher level Sidequests but full voiced and enjoyable. I guess I am a more advanced casual player. Got 63 now so far far away from 100. Did most of the quests, world map completely uncovered.
Basically got my game’s worth out already.
The grind to 100. I don’t know. Seems kinda boring. It’s dungeons and dungeons and dungeons again and again. I would like to build my character a bit different but for this I need at least one more unique item. And farming the same and the same again hoping the slot machine finally yields it. Bruh.

But every (other) day a dungeon or two. A challenge of what already exists is nice. That’s fun. Not because of desperate progress needed but just because it’s fun to challenge a nightmare dungeon or maybe another and that’s it.
And I guess this is perfect for the majority of the players (especially not those in the forum here). And then the player gets a level up here and there and has still some progress and keeps the player entertained for years. Even without playing seasons. And I guess that’s it what they aim for. And personally I am very fine with it.

For the hardcore players the question will be how seasons will be. These must deliver content and engame for hardcore players since that’s content (advanced) casuals do not care about.


This is a troll comment and is in no way constructive. There is objectively no endgame. :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

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Oof, FF16 is PlayStation 5 exclusive.

Back to D4, I wish Blizzard was more transparent with their update plans. Post a roadmap maybe? Host another livestream? Anything…

Nor should such a thing ever be possible in D4, as it just invalidates the whole resource system. Sadly it does seem to be possible.

The two very much should be the same content.
What needs to happen is that Blizzard has to balance things properly. Can’t just 4x the Moster HP in a 4 man group and call it a day. Need to balance monsters so it takes into account the power of a group working together. That way a group can still be challenged, and have to use that teamwork to succeed.

They should never waste resources on making content exclusively for groups.
Just balance things properly for both.

Yep, exactly how it should be.

100% agreed.

At level 80 now with everything I want for my build and no reason to click the start game button.

I’m pretty sure they made the grind to 100 take a long time for 2 reasons:

  1. To slow people down and buy themselves time for the average player that’ll take a month to reach 100.

  2. To allow people to try different paragon boards on the way up to 100 without having to pay as much as it is at 100. Giving people more time to experiment on the way.

around 72-73 I started filling the same old same old grind was going on so I mixed it up and made a hard core character, got to almost 50 before bitting the bullet on a game freeze death last night. Oh well back to the drawning board!

not only is there no power reward for pushing high dungeons, there is also no cosmetic or title reward, and not even a score like mythic + in wow. people in these kinds of games need a reason to do the content. even if they didnt reward gear, if they gave some sort of leaderboard score people would probably stay playing and grinding at lvl 100. it just feels like this game was made by super inexperienced designers. they need to talk to the wow department to learn how to retain end game players.

Last sentence was all you needed

TLDR no one cares about your life story.

The game is fine.

There should be cosmetic rewards for doing high lvl NM dungeons. Tbh, it sounds like that will show up in the seasons (and yes, that should very much also be available on the eternal realm!)
Seems quite fine that there is no XP or item drop rewards however. Better for the game balance overall.

What’s the difference if he did it quick or slow? I’m sure you will spend the same amount of hours as he did, but just spread across a longer period of time. Possibly more as players like this tend to be pretty efficient.

That fact that players are hitting 100 and giving feedback as to how boring the game is at end game helps you immensely. By the time you get there, maybe Blizzard will have added more content to the game and you won’t have to go through the mess we went through.

In a sense… you’re welcome.


how is that fine? we need hard content to push to progress characters. you really want the best way to get gear from doing normal dungeons? guess what, thats how it is right now, and no one stays playing at max level.

There wasn’t a single second where I thought this game would be fun as a lvl 100. I don’t know why people were rushing to get there except to brag and say they were one of the first. I was playing, and currently am still playing what I consider to be the “endgame” on 3 different classes. And that is leveling and gearing characters between lvl 50 towards lvl 100. Once they are fully decked out and leveled up, there is no point to keep playing them. I don’t know why people would think there would be a point to it.

Because of every other ARPG has a viable endgame and not including it makes D4 feel so so bad?