Endgame is unfun from a level 100 perspective

they wont post roadmaps because they know it’ll end in travesty. Blizzard really has lost most of its talent since like 2010

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No one except you wants endless progression. Go pick new class and wait for season.

This game is designed for casual-hardcore players, not pure-hardcore non lifes who hit 100lvl with eridu in few days.

Cool of you to speak for the entire community. Read my post again, I didn’t level to 100 using normal dungeons.
Weak troll 1/10.

Also season brings EXP boosts for everyone. Even the casual players will run into the same issues if not corrected before.

First thing that they should do with this game - just make SSF league and Ruthless with trading.

Disable dogshiit loot 2.0 in ruthless and create gold AH(idk what currency they should use may be not gold). Make it so that items and etc can only be transferred through an auction.

Those who want play w/o trading and with Loot 2.0 system - welcome to SSF.

Those who want real goal in end game - welcome to Ruthless w/o dgsht loot 2.0 and with trading.

That’s all - it will solve huge amount of problems with late game.

When I see your ideas folks… :smiley: you would destroy the game

  • trading? for bots and pay to win. No thanks
  • infinity grinding? for one, more dmg %? sets like in d3 that broke the itemazation and build diversity? No thanks

the game should be more difficult, mob density should be bigger, and exp from them should be smaller. The road to 100 lvl should take longer so casual player within 3months season may not even reach it on one champ.

Why should the game be more difficult? Because you want a Souls like ARPG? I play ARPG’s for the massive eradication of monsters and looting. Looting right now is literally like walking the streets and finding pennies, maybe occasionally you find a dollar, but 99.5% of loot after you have ancestral gear is literal garbage

However I fully agree about bigger density, but not that exp should be smaller, i dont know what level you are but It is taking me between 2-3 hours per level where I am and that is not fun, less exp would make that even longer

For me I just feel cheated.

How can I live out a power fantasy if my character can be one shot but cannot one shot? If my character can be CCed but cannot CC the bosses?

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Blizz stated that there is a point where You beat the game and stop. Its not meant to play forever. The goal is to kill final boss and You are done. Wanna push NM is Your choice but You beat the game.

if you don’t like trading and you enjoy loot 2.0 system - just play SSF league.
There isn’t any disadvantages for players if there is 2 leagues. Literally 0, you do what you want to do.

God forbid people expect a multi billion dollar company with a 25 year history of making these games and 1000+ devs working on their game to have more content than a dev studio of less than 200 people at game launch when they are charging $70 for it.

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For me its been a slog since around lvl 70 (im 86 now). The only thing that keeps me going is that i want to try Lillith fight. And the occasional gear upgrades, like 2200dps weapon at 70, 2500 at 79 and then few other pieces. But now im almost on bis gear, minus better rolls, so i wont have even that for a while anymore.

Ive been alt tabbing every few dungeons to check forums or something, or listening to Kripp for 1:30h about sorc (which i dont care about) in the background, so i dont go insane doing same thing over and over. It must have been hundreds of nightmare dungeons at this point and they are pretty much all the same.

Helltide is done only if i need mats, Tree is skipped, Legion even more so, world boss i do if i happen to notice its up.
I hope theres something coming in the season 1, but if its just world tier 5, with new celestial or whatever gear, it wont be a solution here

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Haha so true, stupid AF

Why are you defending it? Enjoy being ffed by bliz?
Blitzing to 100 or not, once you’ve done the campaign and all the side things like world bosses, Legion and Nightmare dungeons, there is literally nothing to do past level 50. There is nothing to be excited for once you’ve done all that. Once you’re around level 50, you’ve experienced everything there was and will ever be until they add something new in the seasons. There is nothing to do in the ARPG, and that’s annoying as hell!

It’s strange that ur xp bar is getting bigger, but the xp per hour u can earn stays the same in any activity.

This means the higher u get, the more punishing it gets to level…
If u do a NM 20, u’ll get the same xp as a NM 50.
Yet one takes lets say 5 min while the other takes 15 min.
How is there no xp multiplier set in place for this stuff. Or an end dungeon xp earning…

To make it even worse, a normal T4 dungeon gives the same XP as a NM 50 dungeon (except for the glyph xp)

I agree that farming a normal dungeon doing 18-22million xp an hour is a bit overkill.
But shouldn’t nightmares from a certain point give u 10-15 million an hour?
Which translates in 1-1.5 hour to gain a level untill level 95ish?

Ofcourse if ur 70 and can do a 40 NM on ur own , well u earn that big xp chunk. If u go with a friend thats 20 levels higher it should decrease the XP ur getting by X %.
Blizzard doesnt even have to invent this, its already in place in other games. Just use brain?

Yeah, I feel like changing the density in normal dungeons just aint going to cut it. People will flock to the next one.

I mean, I created second character, when my main hit 70. Coincidence? :smiley: Yeah, at some point it just gets too slow and grindy. I still cope that XP bonus from BP during season and introduction of WT5 for even more XP bonus and much needed drop rate boost, will help a lot. We’ll see I guess. I might take a short break from the game between now and S1, but although I have plenty to complain about right now, I’m showing up for S1 100%.

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Every ARPG stands on 2 pillars: Combat and Loot Hunt. In D4 the second one just isn’t there. This is the core fault of this game.

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Oh, you rushed to the endgame in a seasonal game before seasons are out? I didn’t see that coming, but thankfully there are people who do enjoy rushing and then voicing opinions so that others who don’t rush can look at them and think “Man, I’m glad I didn’t do that and just play the game like the filthy casual I am”

My sorc also hit 100 and i really dont know what i am even supposed to do with it now. Exp was kind of the only carrot on the stick i found in this game. Finding an upgrade to my 819 weapon is not gonna happen and stuff like shako doesnt drop anyway. They really didnt build a nice treadmill here.

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to be fair, reaching lvl 100 is hardly an achievement. the time per level stays pretty flat in the end.