Endgame is unfun from a level 100 perspective

to be fair, reaching lvl 100 is hardly an achievement. the time per level stays pretty flat in the end.

The items’ power-level spread is too wide, it needs to be narrower and offer items with higher power levels than your current average power level. 99% of the items we find we either don’t pick-up, we sell, or we reduce. There isn’t a whole lot of enjoyment coming from the items to be quite frank. Is it possible that we miss a potential upgrade? Yes, absolutely. We are being trained to ignore most of the items because they rarely are an upgrade. So naturally, sticking to your guns for the 1% of items is a hard pre-disposition to keep up with.

For instance, my wand is power level 809. The number of ancestral/legendary wands that I have found with higher power level than 809 is almost non-existent. I mostly obtain wands power level 700-760ish at level 84. Same story for my off-hand focus. It goes to say that going for a staff instead of a main-hand + off-hand combination is easier, but not necessarily better.

We would be more incentivised if gear that dropped were in the power level range [current item power level - 5, current item power level + 2], with a chance of pushing the upper bound between +5 and + 10 (up to the maximum power level).

As it currently stands, on average the item power level of items we find is worse than what we currently have equipped. We feel it, and it’s horrible.

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This is very true. If I can summarize, the gears/item level for 80 - 100 (or even NMD post T50) should be better, or have the potential to be better than 70 lvl gears.

I gotta concur. The honeymoon was extremely short for D4 in comparison to the multitude of other titles I’ve played.

Not only that, despite being the shortest, it was my most expensive honeymoon with a game to date! ($100)

first off you crit my eye balls with wall o text - mega damage. Sorry can’t read all that.

But I can say from your topic head line the game is “unfun” from what you are saying at end game. Another person would say you are not in end game yet: thats seasons. You are in…uh…pre end game?

There has been 0 indication yet, that seasons add any form of endgame activities. Hopefully Blizzard will announce them soon.
Currently seasons mean starting from 0 with additional buffs from the battle pass.

As someone who always has alts, and played a lot of seasons in D3, there’s no way in hell I’m grinding another class to 100. I’m one and done in D4 and I’m already very annoyed that I choose necro since it is nothing like previous necros. I’m already too high level to start another class, so I have to begrudgingly see it through.

It’s like having to work a job I dislike, except I paid to be there…

Pretty much. The minions are garbage, they don’t even interact with some uniques like Fist of Fate, and because they take up 2 slots to summon, necro gamepkay is mindnumbingly boring as one slot has to go to blood mist to survive getting frozen/corraled.

That leaves you with 3 free skill slots, one has to be a weak generator that does 700 damage while your bone spear is doing 40k. The other is a curse, often Decrepify because Iron Maiden is garbo.

It’s ridiculously boring gameplay. And the bosses outside Uber Lillith are a joke.

Then I just came out of a NMD with an affix where a blood stone follows you and tries to smash you for the entire dungeon. It triggers like every 4 seconds.

Because of how sprawling dungeons and how much backtracking there is, you gotta look at the map all the time sonce there is no map overlay. But the stone tries to smack you while you wanna look at the map.

Horrible design. Clearly no QA touched this for long.

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Though long, this post hits the nail on the head.

I’m level 97 right now and ever since 80 I’ve felt like all I want to do at this point is hit 100 so I can stop playing. Nightmare dungeons are a joke. Really all we do at 100 is level glyphs. Are you serious!?

I’m at the point where I’ve started thinking that if they made a new expansion for D3 it would have been more enjoyable than this game. I’m actually considering playing season 29 of D3 after experiencing this poor derivative they’re trying to call a Diablo game.

So deeply disappointing.

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I feel like this is how it should have gone for the gameplay. 50-70 tier 3, 70-90 tier 4, 90-100 tier 5 (higher chances of ancestrial gear) Than lvl 100 I think end game. New end game activity . Layer of hell push through . Maybe like every 5-10 lvls a boss appear kill boss . Progress . Game gets harder. Also lvl 100 new armour appears one step above ancestrial. I also think either new uniques to classes should appear or get this. Modifications to legendaries. So hammer of ancients one. You find a modifier you tag onto the legendary that increases the shockwave size or changes the legendary all together. Maybe hammer of the ancients doesn’t cause shockwave but now giant chasm of fire that open the ground shooting out into all directions hitting moba of guys. Any ideas on that . A way to increase the legendaries we already have by making them stronger or changing them all together.

Also the layers of hell thing. Like maybe you fight single bosses every 5 lvl and fight like 2 paired bosses like in d3 every 10 or 20 levels of the dungeon . Combination fights . Different mechanics or affixes to deal with on the fights . This is where you could farm the legendary modifications that change your legendary powers to like an even stronger legendary. Maybe call them corrupted legendaries.
They could maybe even have a negative effect on them while giving you a buff to your abilities . Kinda like it’s giving you power but taking away other stats.