Either stop playing or stop complaining

The REAL Reason For This Patch... - YouTube do some homework. This is how business works.

People looking for safe spaces right now haha.

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Nope, i paid for this garbage. Ill complain if i want for however long i want

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The best move is to stop playing and complain harder at the same time. Makes it even harder for them to ignore if no one is playing the game and there’s tons of people loudly complaining.

Uhh… this is about the patch. It has nothing to do with revenue streams on the forums, which is what was mentioned here. Where in this video am I supposed to be referencing what was actually being discussed instead of what you imagined was being discussed?

Im gonna write my senator.

He goes over why they are implementing the patch. Its all about business. Announcing an emergency fireside chat is a just a way to try to put out the fire. Trying to calm everyone down. It’s a common business tactic.

dont matter most like me gonna rage play the first season and be done. One last ride like every addict out there.

dont matter most like me gonna rage play the first season and be done. One last ride like every addict out there.

And as long as enough people like you log in and continue to play, and they see good numbers, their decisions will be re-enforced.

i give no more of the monies tho

Oh please they released a massive nerf patch 2 days before seasons to try and push people into the monetization part of the game more. It’s very simple to see. Don’t sit here acting like people are delusional because you want to white knight lol.

That I can get behind. I didn’t watch the video because it’s 10 minutes long and there’s 14 minutes until launch and I do plan on trying this for at least today to see how bad it is. But again, monetization isn’t done on the forums at all. They pay out to keep these open. There’s not even sponsorship here.

Huh? I hate this as much as anyone else? wtf are you talking about?

hmm so i have stopped playing … does that mean i can keep on complaining? i mean if its either or…

Your legit sitting there talking about imaginary revenue streams and than asking me what I’m talking about LOL.

you must keep complaining there is a likely unpaid intern tasked with reading the forums who has to have the courage to raise his hand in a meeting and say everyone thinks the game is garbagio … We must lend him our strength so he can cast a spirit bomb on the investors so they realize more people will spend more money on actual good products.

people can complain, thats their right. deal with it lol

If people who complained left, there would be 5 people viewing D4 on Twitch and this forum would not have any new posts in 7 or 8 days at a time.

people can complain, thats their right. deal with it lol

They absolutely can, but in this particular case, actions speak much louder than words.

You have no idea what you’re talking about dude. Like at all. You didn’t gather any of the source content of this conversation. You just replied off a simple post. So let me enlighten you before you further make a fool of yourself. Someone mentioned the forums provide revenue for the game. I simply denied that and said that forums do nothing for shareholders and all they care about is revenue. That revenue has already been gathered other than battlepasses. So the way to make ANYTHING happen here is to not purchase those.

Are you done being a baby now?

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