Either stop playing or stop complaining

I say do both. Stop playing, and continue to tell Blizzard what you think. Occasionally pop back in to see if anything has been fixed, then leave if not. Don’t stop complaining, stop playing.

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Already did.

And No.

The pot needs stirring.

There are soooooo many other games to play. What are you talking about?

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I feel like the fact they called this Fireside chat as a direct result to the community reaction to the patch completely destroys this post here. To a point you should probably just take it down because it’s flat out wrong. I don’t like anything that’s happened here either and I expect much of the same from the chat. But that’s not the point here is it?

You can quit AND complain.


It is good to voice your opinion.

If you played something and you didn’t like it you should comment on it.

Make it known that you think something is messed up. Nobody got this game for free. Someone had to pay for it and if said purchase is not living up to expectations, it should be made known.


They already reverted the level requirements for WT3 and 4 based on feedback alone.

I didnt spend $100 to play this trash. I spent good money to be able to complain on the forums so white knights like you can get all mad about how bad they are for liking a bad game.


You really believe they are going to announce changes during this fireside chat? That patch just went through a month of processing to go live. They can’t just back it all off.

Nah I stopped playing but I will keep complaining. Dont tell me how to spend my 70 dollars.

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Do they, or do they just like to complain about anything?

I’ll stop complaing when they give my $100 back so I can spend it on games where they don’t **** on the players.

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I think you are mistaken. I’m not a white knight bud. I just know how business works. I literally said in my post that I’m not happy with the game.

People discussing stuff on a discussion forum go figure!

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Actions speak louder than words my friend.

Don’t worry I won’t logon again until there’s some actual balance to the game. Even if that’s 2 years from now. D4 is in a sorry state.

This is the answer. Don’t play season one. I know I won’t.

The funny thing, though, is that everyone who claimed they were leaving seems to have truly left. I don’t even see them on the forums anymore.

I will say, though, complaining and refraining from playing is probably optimal.

The less people complain, but more things that deserve to be complained about go under the radar and remain in your games indefinitely.

The numbers of people who are upset with this patch vastly outnumber those who are not. That alone should tell you people are not just complaining to complain. Is this the guy you want to be…really?

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You know you can both stop playing and keep complaining? But I agree that the former is the most important part.