Early Access Beta Feedback

Early Access Beta Feedback

Overall I really enjoyed the early access beta weekend, I look forward to the open beta weekend and the subsequent release of Diablo IV.

I only played a Rogue to level 25, then worked on map completion and min / maxing my gear.

Skill wise I mainly was a ranged character, using barrier & poison imbuement:

  • Forceful Arrow 5/5
  • Rapid Fire 5/5
  • Poison Imbuement 5/5
  • Dark Shroud 5/5
  • Rain of Arrows (with max upgrades)

Gear wise I mainly focused on:

  • Vulnerable, Distant, Close, Basic, Core DMG
  • Critical hit chance / DMG
  • Health per kill
  • Movement speed

The Good

  • Music & sound effects were great.
  • The main questline is good love the story so far.
  • Cut scenes and cinematics are well done, the killing of the priest was brutal.
  • The world so far is great love the exploration, verticality and traversal options.
  • The events / sub quests are a nice addition, perhaps some more variety would be nice here like escorting / defending a NPC, defending a village from hordes of monsters etc…
  • I liked the online features seeing people in town was nice, being able to see what levels people had reached and inspecting their gear gives you something to aim for.
  • The addition of Obols is also nice was kinda addicting gambling with the Curiosity Trader to min/max your legendary gear.
  • Strongholds were rather challenging felt good once cleared.
  • Having the ability to change the icon for tabs in your stash.
  • I like creating the gems for sockets but seemed to only go up to chipped?
  • The transmog is good like how you can do this if you don’t like the way a piece looks.

The Bad

  • Dungeons. The dungeons were my least favourite part of the beta with the exception of the main story quest ones, they were all very samey and lacked any real identity, fighting the same bosses in some felt cheap, perhaps if they are the same give them different elemental damage, skin and name prefix.
  • Level scaling seems off as well at some point might have been 20 I would walk out of town and immediantly be ganked by a giant mob.
  • Sorting stash was broken for me, worked in inventory.
  • Hitching when large groups of monsters spawning in or players loading into my instance.
  • Invisible walls in some dungeons mainly on tile seams that my arrows could not pass through.
  • For some reason world chat was broken for me maybe was turned off, I could whisper though.
  • The world boss. I only managed to make one during my 30 hours after waiting for ages our group of around 8 level 25’s just got wiped over and over until timer elapsed (is not long enough), we only had him half way, felt bad.
  • The whole top right of the map was rather empty then again is freezing up there, I think having some really tough mobs like yetis and more events or something would help.

The Ugly

To be honest not a lot to say here.

  • The queues / login errors hope we don’t see this kinda thing at launch.

Other Feedback

  • Something just feels off in most dungeons perhaps are not dark enough and don’t provide enough atmospheric effects with lighting and sound.
  • Elites should stand out more with glowing / lighting affects in D2 nothing more scary than a bunch of elite glowing giant spiders coming at you lighting the gloomy hallways, this is missing in D4.
  • Allow NPC followers and townsfolk to react to emotes in some basic way.
  • Allow comparing in all UI interfaces when looking at items.
  • When not in couch coop be nice if we had same skill bar as on PC centred full length, at least allow this to be an option.
  • Allow quest log to remember the state of open and closed was annoying to have to keep opening it.
  • One dungeon had snakes slithering around the floor I would like to see more of these environmental things in dungeons implemented.
  • More options in transmog pigment, mainly wanted black not grey.