EA+OB Feedback - Weapon Management

After 2 weekends with 4 characters, here is some feedback across a few topics spread across separate posts


  1. Give sorcerer the ability to switch between dedicated slots for 2-hand and wand +focus setup
  • Shouldn’t be attached to skills like barbarian’s arsenal … just make it easy to keep the best of each and decide which one to use until you switch. Basically to how the switching could be done in D3, but with the requirement that one is only for 2-handed staff and the other is only for wand + focus.
  • Same would apply for Necromancer with 2-handed scythe vs 1-hand weapon + shield

2. Comparing between a 2-handed weapon and 1-weapon + off-hand combo has to be made easier and clearer. The solution to this could also benefit Barbarians wanting to compare dual-wield to 2-handed weapons.

3. It would be nice to do the same as suggested above for a bow slot and crossbow slot for the Rogue. Not as important as Sorcerer/Necromancer.