EA+OB Feedback - Build Management (MUST CHANGE!)


  1. There needs to be a “cardinal rule” put in place: “Switching gems/items/bonuses/skills/etc. should NEVER be a resource consuming action”
  • Make it as hard/expensive to get the items/skills as necessary for the game balance you want, but once obtained you should be able to mix/match at will. Experimentation should be incentivized, not discouraged!!!

  • Experimenting with different builds is what has always been at the core of Diablo’s fantastic gameplay and replay-ability. I have always hated when it cost resources to remove or add a gem. The increasing cost of switching skills is absolutely unacceptable. Any cost to switching skills is absolutely unacceptable.

I’m not suggesting everything can be done at any time, anyplace, with no resource usage… but the cardinal rule above needs to apply 100%


  • Gems consume resources to merge, but not to attach/detach
  • Legendary bonuses/aspects consume resources to extract initially, as well as to upgrade items to legendary…but not to replace the aspect on an existing legendary item.
  • Restricting build changes to occur in town is also fine… just don’t reset the dungeons on the build change. if I need a different build to defeat a boss, don’t make me start over from the beginning
  1. Storing/Switching Builds
  • first of all, where is this feature at all??? Please say this is coming in the final June release. I can’t imagine Diablo without being able to save / switch builds.

  • I want to save different combinations and name them as in D:I (and I think D3, although it’s been a while)

  • Please give us 10-12 build slots as opposed to the previous 5-6 … encourages more experimentation and diversity of builds in use

  • One thing to improve from the D:I implementation - when applying a legendary bonus to an item with a higher level than the item used for that legendary in saved builds, ask if you want the new item to replace the older item in those builds. In other words, I have a level 25 sword with a legendary frenzy bonus on it, now I get a level 34 legendary sword with a bonus I don’t want to use…when I imprint the legendary bonus on the level 34 sword, it should ask if I want to use the level 34 sword in all my existing builds where the level 25 sword is currently saved. I would think most of the time, the answer is going to be “yes”. Having builds lose their content as you level up your items and having to recreate/resave those builds was really irritating.