Dungeons could use some verity here is some ideas

Rather than crap on the game I wanted to add some suggestions. I know we have not seen all the dungeons, but a lot of them seem like a re-skin of the others. I wish there was some that were change of pace or theme. They are all locked behind a door and you must grab such and such item or clear the level. Here is some quick ideas I had.

For Bosses: Mix up the way bosses are used.

  1. Why not add in a boss that is not locked, but more like a Throne room, Find the boss clear waves, fight boss.

  2. Make a dungeon where the boss is a treasure goblin. Make it more difficult to kill and you must chase it through the mobs inside the dungeon. It doesn’t have to portal away, it could just be chase it until you kill it. (For Seasons this could be a one weekend a month the goblin boss has a higher change of dropping a unique in the higher world tiers.)

  3. Have more multi stage boss fights. Not locked behind a door preferably just find the boss. At the potion drop aspects of the fight, change up the mechanics. Or change the environment in some way.

  4. Instead of fighting a boss every time have some sort of puzzle mechanic (Not everyone would want this, but you also don’t have to do every dungeon… Just the ones you like.)

  5. As a world event I was thingking about adding something like after X bosses have been killed in a zone a Wondering merchant will spawn in a random location in that zone. It can be a large gold sink or high amounts of the event currency, but they have a higher chance at getting really good gear from gambling.

For Dungeon layouts: Add some that are less hallway like.

  1. Have static dungeons that have a mechanic that doesn’t make them faster to farm, but changes it up a little, Not the Chaos Sanctuary, but something like that.

  2. Have open dungeons. No walls or very few.

  3. PvP dungeons. In the PvP zone (No exclusive reward other than PvP shards) add dungeons, but other people can enter the dungeon you are in and kill you.

Lastly, World Bosses: This could be a turnoff for some people due to time restrictions, especially if the rewards are significantly better than other content. Instead of amazing drop rates just add that adventure currency or something that not game altering for missing the world boss.

Dungeons were my biggest issue for longevity. I like the combat. Classes might not be balanced, but I had no issue clearing the Beta with each class. Itemization has some positives and negatives that I can live with (Assuming they can be tweaked as the game goes on.)

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