Duel Mode where players can have a 1-on-1 fight outside of any town and outside of PvP zones. Issue “Request Duel” on your chat wheel to any player and a demarcated zone is drawn up around 2 players.
It looks like this:
The in-game PvP combat rules can still apply where some abilities have different cooldowns and CC timers (as in Fields of Hatred).
Each player can use up to 5 HP pots (all refunded after fight).
Victory is obtained by reducing opponent’s HP to 0, or forcing them out of the demarcated Duel Zone.
This will then allow players an avenue to set up unofficial tournaments and choose their own opponents at will, with their own rule set - for those who want PvP but also want to escape the imbalance and oppression of the “Fields of Hatred” PvP zones. (We are being warned that Openworld PvP is a long way off from being “balanced”, if ever).
This is a work-around for D4’s lack of normalized arena PvP on launch, and a way for players to instantly jump into a fun fight at any level between friends or strangers.
You can also have fun Duels while waiting for a world boss to spawn.
Players are just standing around lifelessly bunched up waiting the timer down with nothing to do at the moment.
Achievements can be attached to the Duel system to help encourage its use and esteem. Example concepts:
ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! - (Have duel in the proximity of at least 5 players)
DUELIST - (Obtain 10 Duel victories)
CLUCK CLUCK - (Reject 5 Duel requests)
GLADIATOR 1-3 - (Win a Duel using only 0-2 HP pots)
KING OF THE HILL - (Win 10 Duels in a row undefeated)
YARR - (Receive gold trade within 1 minute of a Duel victory)
LUMBER STOCKS - (Suffer 10 Duels losses)
Ok, ok, some of you are serious about Diablo’s overworld tone and immersion, and you already hate the MMO elements. Ok, you won’t receive the achievements - it’ll just be a few adventurers outside of town have a brawl.
You got a problem, step outside…or