Druid Uniques not dropping

I get more Barbarian, Rogue and Necromancer uniques than I do for Druid. If I do get a Druid drop, it is for Pulverize. I’m about level 83 and can’t get a Tempest Roar drop to save my life. I have no other characters created, just a Druid it would be nice to actually get drops for my class and not everyone else’s.

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I feel like the game was designed to drop anything but what you’re aiming for.

When i was going pulv build, started dropping a lot of storm/wolf related itens.

When i changed my build to go nature (earth/storm) and started looking for a Fist of Fate(all classes item), i dropped tempest roar, wolf and bear chest.

Some will say “RNG, it is what it is” but its hard not to feel like the game tries to punish you everytime you decide to try something different.


There is a known bug for druids where Barb uniques are currently part of their drop table. I believe it’s being fixed this week.

That being said, I’ve still gotten quite a few druid uniques on my way to 100. 4-5 chests (both the bear and the wolf one), 3-4 Tempest Roar, 2 Crone staffs. 3-4 zenith rings or whatever it’s called. I have gotten a couple of barb uniques as well. I leveled exclusively via nightmare dungeons starting around level 75ish, which I suspect could be one reason I’ve found so many uniques.

I believe Temerity, The Butcher’s Cleaver, Fists of Fate, Penitent Greaves, Razorplate, and Frostburn are all just general uniques since they don’t have any specific class requirement. I’ve gotten all of them multiple times. Some do seem class specific though.

Edit: I will say that Tempest Roar seems to be the most rare out of all the druid uniques at least for me. 15 barb weapons and a bunch of werebear BS. Maybe it’s random, maybe it’s not…I was running a storm build with human glyph because I want so much for storm to be good and couldn’t run anything higher than NM 40 because CC just gets so bad without tempest roar and grizzly rage and unlimitted unstoppable there’s no point you can’t do it. I was lvl 89 when I picked up an ancestral tempest roar. So keep at it man, you’ll get it eventually.

I agree… my druid has gotten mostly druid uniques… multiple general uniques, and around 4 Barbarian weapon uniques. I’m guessing that those barb uniques are the only ones affected by the loot table bug.

If you want more uniques in general, you probably need to do some harder content… nightmare dungeons etc.

Weird, most of the uniques i find are for druid. Im only level 40 and ive found maybe 2 that arent druid, and most of my slots are druid uniques now with a few in my stash.

I have the joy of being able to post every unique I’ve seen drop on my druid since I’ve never gotten rid of them.

Hunter’s Zenith x6
Mad Wolf’s Glee x2
Waxing Gibbous x1
Insatiable Fury x1
Vasily’s Prayer x3
Storm’s Companion x3
Greatstaff of the Crone x1

Penitent Graves x2
Frostburn x2
Fists of Fate x2
Mother’s Embrace x2 (only one was from campaign)

Overkill x1
Hellhammer x2

This generally seems on par with what I’ve seen as well by leveling pretty much exclusively through nightmare dungeons with a few helltides and occasional pvp thrown in.

For a long time until I changed my build, I was really hoping for a higher gearscore greatstaff of the Crone, and I feel like that drop in particular is part of the bug since it’s barbarian weapons that seem to be dropping instead of armor etc. I got 2 of them but they were both under 800.

I have yet to find an 800 itempower unique at all. ; ;

Any idea what the item power breakpoint is after 800? I just got two Frostburns back to back, 783 and 801, and they both have the same stat ranges.

Pretty sure 725 is the last breakpoint, i don’t think there is an 825 breakpoint. Yet.

Hotfix hotfix hotfix no more barb drops !!!

Had very few uniques personally i guess my luck is just bad but the ones ive had have been for warewolf or warebear, infact 98% of aspects are for them aswell, so as a storm druid it sucks.

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Its a bloody pain to build a stormwolf because you can not get unique to drop at all.


There currently is no breakpoint after 725. Basically the only benefit from one piece of gear another another piece of gear once you hit 725+ is limited to a few things…

Armor (for Armor)
DPS (for weapons… very significant)
+Health range for +Health stat
*certain aspects also scale up with item power/character level

*NOTE No Stat range… a 725 and an 800 piece will have the same + stat or +all stat range.

My suspicion is that S1 will release a new World Tier 5 with another breakpoint.

Dang. That makes me feel kind of bad, actually, knowing that an 800+ item is worthless compared to a 725+. Not worthless. You know what I mean. Still. Dang.

I felt the same way when I realized how the breakpoints work… I think there’s a decent chance Season 1 will have a new world tier with another breakpoint.

I went ahead and got my first character to 100 because that was a goal I set (pretty much only a handful of gear upgrades from 90 to 100)… and then I started a new class, and I’m having a lot of fun on the new character. I decided not to stress over the lacking endgame feeling of progression because it’ll definitely change in time.

I feel the same 3 Builds rdy to rumble but always helmet i miss! Iam 67 and stop playin druid because it comes NO Stormhelmet only 5 times Chest wolf is normal and werbaer is normal! NOW i run with my Bro from 67 to 75 in 99er 100er Dungeon and the same NOT ONE DROP!!! My Sorc is 82 now and habe found all 2Times what a Sorc need Telechest and Frostburns and all the other Items What sorc need but DRUID is still nothing!

14 bear helms here at lvl 90 and jo tr.

I firmly believe there is a loot bug tied to bear helms and wolf helms

I think I’ve gotten that horrid zenith ring a million times. So bad