Druid Unique and legendary drop rate issues

Hi everyone

I am a 89 level Druid who got his first Shockwave aspect at level 71 and didnt get a Tempest Roar drop yet. I thought i was just in bad luck but i’ve recently seen confirmed an issue that some items of this class aren’t dropping at all. I opened this post to ask if there is any soon fix about this problem, cause it is already affecting the gameplay of all those who decided to play this class, being unable to finish the two current known builds that make us to be equal to the rest of classes or run through highest game content. Any official answer about this would be appreciated, after a long game session playing this game since came out i no longer feel sense to keep farming nor playing when not only everything is going nerfed but even a technical issue doesn’t allow me to push content.

Thanks for reading. Regards.



Totally agree. Playing a class that is basically useless without unique item builds and those unique items not dropping is a serious problem. I’m not saying unique items should be dropping left and right, they should be rare, but people playing till lvl 92 and not seeing a single one is just preposterous. I myself am playing a bear pulverize build because Vasily’s Prayer dropped to me like 5 times, but Tempest Roar hasn’t dropped at all.


Same issue here I need two piece of uniques and nuffins, seems that blizzard is focusing only in nerf stuff instead of fixing.

Same boat. Druid is so boring without these uniques. I’m stuck on pulverize build because every other build is useless without these uniques. Meanwhile lvl 50 rogues are clearing faster in t4 than me. Sad face

Excatly man! And I dont even mind the performance issue, in every game there are some classes that are better than others. But if I want to play another build I have to drop 2-3 rare uniques that just doesnt drop, and that is clearly messed up.

Right now they only care about nerfing dungeons and the fun someone can have, fixing this class is probably not a high priority unfortunately.

They definitely need to adjust the drop rate on some of the Uniques, as well as who they drop for.

I don’t care about the Harlequin so much, but… I’m a Sorc, I don’t have anything to do with Thorns, yet I can find Razorplate. The hell is that? And I haven’t found a Raiment chest yet, but man have I been flooded with Staffs of Endless Rage and Fists of Fate.

Nerfing the dungeons has also cause this loot issue to get worse. They removed elites from dungeons which made dungeons drop less legendaries. I mean, it shouldnt be too hard to adjust the xp amounts istead of just removing people’s resource of loot.

I am a lvl 70 druid. I have gotten Mad wolfs glee about 8 times but i cant find a decent build for it. I have also gotten the chill boots 10 times. But i have seen no other uniques. I really only do nightmare dungeons and when i am with friends of other classes they tend to get 2x more uniques to drop per amount of runs we do and beneficial ones at that. I love the class but this is getting daunting

Well there are two issues here.

First, there’s the bug issue. The devs have already confirmed several loot-related bugs that need to be fixed, so this might be one of those. Not a druid, so I don’t really know.

The second has to do with D4’s philosophy on drops to begin with. It kind of followed the RoS “self found” route, which I don’t really like. In D1, D2, PoE, etc. pretty much all drops have value. If not in immediate value, then in trade value. In D4, it’s only the former.

D3 went too far in legitimizing trade with the RMAH. RoS/D4 went too far in the other direction. I don’t want to have to trade like you did in vanilla D3, but I also don’t want to literally not be able to ever play my build because of bad luck. Maybe D2-style trading isn’t the answer, but we need something in D4.

Brother, I only dropped my first Bear’s Head at level 94. The Wolf’s Head feels like a distant possibility for me. I even have 14 Barbarian weapons in my inventory. Does Blizzard know about this? Are they aware? Why haven’t they made any adjustments? It’s because this issue isn’t considered a high priority. LOL.

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Yes dude theyre aware a fix is coming before season 1 jfc

i have bad news for you im lvl 93 and still dont have it,i did farm all day nightmare dungeon’s and didn’t get single unique its almost like after hot fix they made it even worst

Sounds like RNG isn’t on your side.

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