Druid Uniq Issues?

I have found a full inventory of uniq items on a 91 druid, 7 of those items have been Vasily’s Prayer, 0 of those have been Tempest Roar. Several of them have been barb uniqs which they stated was a bug and not intended, but is Tempest Roar ment to be that rare?

I have 27 Butcher Cleavers in my stash.

Druid Uniques are a myth

Don’t worry they hope to address this by season 1 rofl.

Did nightmare run Wt3 got “true form is werewolf” did another run got “true form werebear” both gained from the end reward.

A fix is expected to roll out before Season 1 starts, so this should be resolved some time in the next 4 weeks.

I can’t even get that helm to drop… though id rather have Tempest cause pulv is very very boring I am stuck playing an unfinished build post 80 in HC without much option than to wait for bliz to fix this damn class & it’s drop rates.