Druid players are quiting their toons because of the rigged crap with tempest roar!

1st of… if you’re one of the chosen who already have 12 tempest roars, or if you dont have a druid with some reasonable game time in it; then please stay out of the comments trying to invalidate what im about to say! This is me speaking for myself and for others who are loosing interest in the game because of our experience so unless your interest is in keeping the population strong and healthy then bugger off!

I can say with certainty that not a single person who plays druid that ive spoken with thinks the uniques are too uncommon! We dont want a unique every other kill!
That would make it boring to chase after that goal of making a certain build!
in my case theory crafting based on certain items or mechanics! I usually take a base build from maxroll and then ince i learn how the class works i do my own thing because its fun!


Now… quite simply the drop tables for the class specific uniques are killing the fun for druid players! Which in turn hurts your numbers and gets you people in the forums like me crying a river about the screwed up unbalancing with the drops
There are 10,000 people who have vasilys that cant get a TR to drop and 10,000 more who have tempest roar and cant get vasily to drop! Your table weights for the people who play that toon are loosing you players! We feel like we are giving you time played and not being rewarded!! Myself included! I have over 300 hours already in your game on druid! As a lvl 100 druid main i can tell you how a lot (not all) but a LOOOOOT of people feel! We feel like we’ve pushed through the bugs and glitches and nerf happy craziness and kept playing! we’ve given time to the most challenging toon in the game! only to get to endgame and wan to try the other skills and synergies in our kit but we cant because you have content locked us out of 1/2 the kit without a class specific unique that wont drop!

I didnt come here just to whine about the flaws though i actualy do have suggestions!! Since you built half the druids kit around an item you only gave to 1/3 of the people who play druid!

make ONLY class specific uniques able to be traded! This brings people together and theres minimum risk of RMT becuse the target audience for each specific item would be too low for it to be worth as a focal point with as many class specifics as there are!

Or you could,
fix the drop weight for the druid loot table so that everything has an equal drop chance! Theres nor reasonable explanation why it doesnt already work like that! Especially co sidering that you guys are the ones who designed the kits! Wake up now you know better than to content lock people behind a rare drop! Thats just foolish and you know it!

Last heres a really greay suggestion!
what you could do is make it that when you get a unique theres a system that decreases the likelihood of getting duplicates of uniques that have already dropped if there are class specific uniques for your class that havent rolled yet! Or just find a way to up the chance of class specific uniques you dont have yet and decrease the chance of duplicates youve already gotten 25 times! It doesnt have to be exponential but make it noticeable! That way we dont feel like your cheating us harder than you already are with the bs unique fodder! And we feel like we are working towards a goal and not just fluffing your number whilst being miserable the whole time!


You play the class you enjoy playing the most. If you don’t enjoy it don’t play it. Stop min/maxing - none of you are good enough to be at the top of the ladders anyways.


Yeah too long to read no tldr Zzzzzz


RNG is RNG. Still waiting on “The grandfather”… I have played POE for 11 Years Never seen a Mirror never seen a headhunters belt or Mage Blood. That doesnt mean its broken means Im unlucky lol. Now I hear this is a need on these forums yet People I know looking for it still kick the crap out of stuff on their druid without it.

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Meanwhile I got a Crone early into T3 that I couldn’t use because I never got gear to support it, got several Insatiable Fury and Vasily’s but eventually replaced them with Rares, and then had four Mad Wolf’s Glee drop in one day, among a few other random Uniques, and now I’m getting a bunch of Tempest Roars.

All I want is a decent level Ancestral Crone. I’m not expecting one that will roll at the level of my current weapon. But I have sold or salvaged at least half a dozen of the Druid Unique helms and chests. I have almost an entire set of gear ready to go for a StormWolf build but I need a Crone.


As a rogue i dont feel any pity for druids. Druids have it easy for pushing t100 nightmare is not even hard for your class.

Why would you quit a class that hits for 90 million?

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I agree with you, I was all about the druid before I realized that I don’t want to play a class that relies so much in uniques, I don’t want to spend a month hunting for a unique to enjoy X build.

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Bruh I got my uniques by 73 on my druid didnt get my bracers for barb till 84… an they were base 16% roll, didnt get 26% until lvl 97 but got like 7 of every other unique on my trip to my bracers… it’s a dice roll

i’m happy with my wolfnado cant say the same about my WW barb thing hit’s like a wet noodle now an it basically full of max roll gear…

I’ve gotten 3 temptest roars but can’t find a great staff of the crone.

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Shocker, he’s not wearing Tempest Roar while clearing this nm 100.

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I said that super early and tracked it pretty well across multiple discords.

Certain uniques seem to have different droprates/weights depending on your level.

Basically every druid finds tons of bear helmets/chest and wolf chest while leveling while an absurd amount find their very first tempest roar at 80 or more likely 90+.

We also find non-druid uniques more often than any other class.
So many fists of fate, frost gloves/boots, butchers…

I am currently at almost 400h playtime on my druid alone and have found like 3 tempest roars and 2 storms companion pants.

Meanwhile I found over 30 hunter’s zenith rings, 20+ wearbear helmets/chest, 15+ wolf chests.

I don’t know why, but both our druid uniques and neutral uniques have significantly different droprates.
Before the barb-weapon fix I also looted around 10 of their weapons.

I could maybe understand it if items like frostburn that provide stats that we can’t use like cold-damage would drop at a lower rate because they could be used on alts or something, but it can’t be that such items that we can’t really use drop multiple times more often than our own uniques.

Some might say “Maybe it’s because of the type of content/mob types” but things like rings actually don’t have a preferred mob type and even if that were the case, how can it be that we loot multiple times the amount of Vasily’s Prayer than Tempest Roars?

There is absolutely no reason why our class uniques have significantly different drop rates, especially without any type of info about them.

I think that our drop tables are very messed up and stuff like the barbarian unique situation shows how little they checked them and they still seem to be completely broken.


Just play other builds, shockwave and trampleslide both work well.

I say that and i’m level 90 and still haven’t found a single tempest roar or greatstaff of the crone.

Tempest roar would be an issue if it was needed for us to be viable end game but its not the case.

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Dumb. You are clueless and dumb. 69 rogue alt running around killinglevel 102 with 1.5 paragon board, and one functioning glyph. Atm t100 feels doable with busted rogue.

I am with you on this, the drops seems rigged. Got my shockwave aspect at level 65 and my tempest roar at 73, the way to leveling up the druid without any good gear was so unsatisfying that I almost stopped playing with the class. They need to fix this.


You chose to pick the class that’s heavily reliant on uniques, so that’s on you.

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Yea players are quitting the best class in the game, sure.

At least 4 bear helms so far on my 79ish druid alt and 0 wolf helms. Several of those lightning wolf companion pants that I just vendor/salv. I also got rushed on my alt so most of its existence even before 60 was in WT4 getting WT4 drops.

I think they should make Den Mother or wolf enemies have a higher chance to drop this specific item rather than just have item types from monster families. Farming helms from cannibals/cultists doesn’t seem to shift the odds in your favor enough to reliably get this build-enabling item.

The wolf helm isn’t about min/maxing. While wolfnado happens to be a top meta spec, the helm enables the playstyle entirely. It literally doesn’t function without the item. You can play a wolf druid with wolf skills without it or a caster druid in human form without it (which is what my druid currently is), but the wolfnado combo literally doesn’t function at all without the helm.

It’s not about min/maxing, you just can’t play the spec without the item.

I didn’t think about this before but my 100 Sorc never found fists of fate or a butcher cleaver. My druid alt has found like 3 butcher cleavers so far and I believe 2 fists of fate.


reached lvl 100 on druid few days ago , looted many copies of each unique listed for the druid still no Tempest roar not a single one. i feel it too


Same i feel it. I have gotten 3 bear helms in 1 day. have gotten many bear chest, wolf chests. Not a single tempest. Im even target farming the Nm dungeons for helms.

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