Druid gated by unique, no other class gated

Want to do millions of damages as a Rogue?
Dancing Blades.
Want to do millions of damages as a Necromancer?
Prop up bone spear.
Want to do millions of damages as a Barbarian or Sorcerer?
Get some cool down.
Want to do millions of damages as a Druid?
Get a unique that will never drop.

I don’t mind every class having only 1 or 2 meta builds.
Build diversity is a long term goal, not short.
That said, gating the only build that isn’t a wet noodle is unacceptable.


Maybe stop watching tubers and create your own builds? I’ve got 2 roars to drop, but never even used them. Using poison shred and IT absolutely melts, atleast in NM 50s. If your piece dont drop, create other build, simple. Just requires a tiny amount of brain capacity. Btw on lv 85.

Lvl 99 about to tap 100 here;

I killed 5000 cannibals & cultists,
Then I killed 5000 more.
All this wanton, brutal killing & still no Shako Drop Rate Tempest Roar!

EDIT: Lvl 100 now, another bunch of cannibals & cultists down, still no hat.