Druid Feedback, Earth Side

Heya just some thoughts on Druid especially on the Earth Side.

  • Earth Spike, need to hit harder and most definitely restore more spirit on hit, it’s way to under tuned and completely overshadowed by other basic spells.

  • Boulder, does anyone even use this skill?, it’s so hard to make it work mediocre damage completely redundant compared to Landslide, it needs more.

  • Petrify seriously needs an improvement and most definitely needs a better visual it’s so lack luster for an ultimate ability, vine creeper’s active is basically a petrify on shorter cd and even visually looks better. I was just mostly very disappointed once I unlocked petrify to see how visually disappointing it was, make it send out a earthquake or sand or anything, theirs so much more I expected from an ultimate. Turn the enemies to stone? Rather then just be stunned.