Druid feedback discussion

1.) Druid needs a Damage Buff, unless there class mechanic ups there damage significantly, I just don’t see Druid being used more than the others.

2.) if this where just a single player game, looks may have not mattered as much, but the game gives off a MMO vibe and now people want customization like one. I, one am a big guy, so I think Druid looks great, however I feel like you guys pigeonholed yourselves here.

3.) the class mechanic of Druid was not usable as far as I could tell in the beta. I may khave been wrong, but if it was intended to be used at 15 or so when it unlocked, well we couldn’t.

4.) overall, i enjoyed what I played, just you guys really need to up Druid damage to be in line with the others. Also, I really appreciate the transmog feature! Thanks!