Druid feedback and overall beta feedback from a casual player

I’ve already shared my views on the bard and overall beta experience in this thread.

Here comes my feedback for the Druid and also a few new points on the beta experience overall.

Druid - The good:

  • Love the selection of skills and their animations. They really fit with the theme of the class (more on skill issues later).
  • Loved switching between Wolf, Bear and Human form.
  • Loved the flexible and visceral nature of the combat - charge in as a bear and pound away, then switch to a caster and cause a landslide or storm etc.

Druid - The bad:

  • Most of the skills feel bad in terms of power without legendary support - I ended up having to go with Storm Strike to get enough resource and then Landslide or Pulverize to get any form of stable damage.
  • I felt I had to wait way too long before I got a movement skill and companions. Would have wanted them earlier.
  • Speaking of movement skills - trample looks awesome but is very impractical. There should be a “rune” that groups up enemies instead of knocking them back. Depending on your build, that would be very practical.
  • Having to wait for the animations to complete before a skill is cast can mean life or death. I didn’t like the perceived “lag” that occurred when I needed to pop a defensive skill. This was especially noticeable on Blood Howl. If I hit the button, I want the effect immediately.

Beta overall - The good:

  • Man Strongholds are fun!
  • This game is fun to play! It was good last weekend, but had even more fun this time.
  • Happy to hear that legendary drop rate is high for the beta and will be tuned down for the real game.

Beta overall - The bad:

  • I really really hope that they get the whole queuing thing under control. I don’t want to queue to play the game I have paid for. Ever. Not even for a minute. When I want to play, I want to play.
  • Again, the view is a bit too zoomed in. I want to zoom out just a bit more (15-20%).
  • UI’s need some work (we already know this)
  • I don’t like seeing people in the open world unless it’s in a town or we have partied up (we already know this)