[Druid feedback] After playing a druid post-launch some observations

I hope someone on the dev teams ends up reading this, but if not whatever. In any case some honest feedback that I’ve seen/experienced with the druid.

  • Tempest Roar – this is a big elephant in the room. Basically this item isn’t “op” as much as it is an enabler of so much druid flexibility. The randomness of this game combined with an inability to target-farm for it, is incredibly bad. I’ve spent over 80 levels hunting for one, and know many druids who spent 100 levels hunting for one. Because it is effectively a slot machine, there’s very little anyone can do to get the enjoyment of most druid builds. And even bulwark builds heavily benefit from this item. Basically it is so critical I would argue that it should be a paragon board item more than a unique.

In any case, please stack the odds so that people have a decent chance of getting an ancestral version of this item if they don’t already have one in their stash somewheres.

  • Nature’s Fury - This one enables a few interesting builds but is both the most underpowered and overpowered ability. The weirdness comes from it’s %chance, it is a 20% flat chance to proc, regardless of anything else. This is a major contrast to say the “every 6th hit with a warewolf skill is a critical” instead of just giving it a 17% chance.

What is broken about this (both good and bad) is the fact that as a 20% chance, sometimes it doesn’t proc for say 20 attacks, sometimes it procs every attack. And combined with Symbiotic this means that I can either do a DPS burst that would destroy pretty much any build/mob in the game almost immediately (including bosses), regardless of damage reduction, OR, it doesn’t proc and I am defenseless.

Because of how random and critical this critical ability is, there’s no strategy around it, just a frustration game of “omg its proccing while I’m not even in range of a horde” or “omg it won’t proc and now I don’t even have anti-crowd control”

My request is we have it changed to “every 5th cast of storm and every 5th cast of earth” procs it. It will not reduce the amount of procs it does over a given period of time due to 20% being 1 in 5, but it will create 2 things: 1) a consistent way to use this ability, and 2) a strategic way for advanced players to intentionally use the correct ability to proc it rather than a random one it happens to be on.

  • Earthern Bulwark desperately needs a particle fix. It applies particle effects to enemies it hits, and they linger. When fighting spiders it drops my FPS (and the FPS of everyone around) to single digits. It is a frame-killing monster.

  • Please indicate in the tooltip that Earthern Bulwark’s explosion, barrier generation % acts as +damage % to this ability. It is not very clear from the tooltip. Or at least not obvious at all.

  • Wolves are very inconsistent about their ability to enact the active effect. I would recommend that wolves jump from any distance and hit the target rather than have to run close enough. Because we don’t really get to control where the wolves go and pathing being absolutely terrible in this game, this is a much needed thing to even attempt to make that ability function decently.

  • And generic feedback, please indicate on every aspect if it is a codex aspect or if it is a non-codex one. That way we can know if it is important to save it, without having to memorize the entire codex.

  • I know this is a generic problem, but overall myself and a lot of people report spending a very long time just trying to get an aspect to drop so they can complete a build. For example I have had 1 umbral drop since launch, and it was identical to the codex one. At least make codex drops have a roll always higher than the base codex roll, so if it is 1-4 it’ll be 2-4 for a drop, etc. In any case, hope this aspect of the game gets a bit of a look, I think making this smoother for players putting together a build will be wonderful.

  • Controller feedback.

    • Long press = reset 1 skill, short press = reset ALL skills is a horrifyingly bad ux. IDK how many times me or mini-me have accidentally lost half a mil in gold just pressing X instead of holding X.
    • The trash/sell/wear/transfer to stash buttons are aweful. They are inconsistent and I usually tend to press the wrong one unless I really slow myself down. Please focus oin consistency there.
    • The wardrobe console confirm/change tab buttons are the absolute worst, and inconsistent. Even worse is the confirmation dialog of “save / discard” where you press “B, B” by accident because you meant to go back, and instead of just getting out of the dialog, or because you accidentally hit a R1 L1 or R2 L2 it also kills your work unless you realize you need to immediately save. In any case, that section desperately needs rework.

That is all. Thank you for listening.