Drop rates bugged for druid

Lvl 90 druid, 0 tempest roar drops. This is an alt character. Main is 90 as well.

My buddy, main character. Had 7 Tempest roar drops from 58-75

Other buddy, Main character. Had 11 tempest roar drops 63-88

Other other buddy, main character. had 9 tempest roar drops 61-71

I have heard from others that it seems drop rates are bugged for “alt” characters. Just raising awareness.

Yesterday I deleted my “main” character, she was lvl 72 druid.

I deleted her because I’m positive she was loot bugged somehow. I’d been playing on T4 for 2 weeks at least, several hours a day. Running NM dungeons, helltides, legion events, tree of whispers and world boss. In that time I looted 0 unique items.

From the time I made her til the time I deleted her I had looted 4 uniques. All on T3 and each one was the Insatiable Fury. I just couldn’t take it anymore and deleting her was oddly a huge relief.

I’ve made my necro alt my new main and she’s been looting several uniques a day running the same thing my druid had been doing.

And if they announce that they fixed the issue when the next patch comes out, what then?

Do you never plan to play Druid again? Were you running out of char slots and needed the space?

I think you can undelete the last char, if you want to hang onto them till the next patch. It is not like it hurts anything to just wait and find out that it is not your char that is bugged.

There are plenty of other people saying the same thing as you, so it is very unlikely that it is something tied to your specific char, and much more likely that it is an issue with the Druid loot table.

When they fix it, your level 72 druid will be fixed as well, if you had not deleted them.

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Regardless, Something is a bit weird with how current unique drops work…that much can be stated.

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Yep. Plenty of reports are saying so. That is no reason to delete your char, though.

Once they fix it, your char will be fine again, and you will have to level up all over again, unless you are done with Druid forever.

I plan to start a fresh druid in the season.

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i have a similiar issues with my second druid. I can’t drop any better than codex version Aspect of the Rampaging Werebeast from 2 weeks ago, also 0 tempest roar drop my alt is lvl 83 and really i don’t know if i will continue to play in this way.

I havent had a single unique drop over 100 nightmares on my druid.

Anyone still having issues with Druid? I’ve been playing it Season 2 and I am building a Pulverizing Druid. Ironically I got 7 Mad Wolf’s Glee and none Insatiable Fury which is essential for my build.