Drog bug - Tempest roar in druid

hello, I would like to report a problem with druid’s unique item drop loop, it’s been 3 days since i dropped vasily ( i already broke 7 ), i think tempest roar is not on the game’s drop list.

I’m a lvl 90 casual player, I’m going to get lvl 100 and I’m not going to play with druid but that’s why I wanted to play with Tempest before going to another character, but I see that there are a lot of people getting lvl 100 with Druid and I never drop a Tempest roar, if it was a problem for all unique druid, but not at least I already caught all more than once, so the problem is tempest roar.

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There’s like 20 people complaining on the forums out of millions of players lol


It’s there, it’s just rare. Not the kind of thing you might want to hear, but that really is the long and short of it.

Not even kidding, I think my Tempest Roar drops are close to equal with my instiable fury and mad wolf glee drops.

Can’t find a better Waxing Gibbous for the life of me, though.

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It’s there, but very rare. I first saw mine at level 94, I’ve only seen two others since that first one.

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120+ listed here that would disagree with your hyperbole.

you could play without storm skills.