Don't nerf anything until you read this blizzard

I’m a developer and have been a passionate gamer for over 27 years, playing every day. I’ve seen some of the most spectacular games being created (like WoW), and now I want to discuss some aspects of Diablo 4.

Every game has unique elements that make it fun. For example, in Tibia, you need to train, and it has P2P salable items, with some people playing it to make money. In Ragnarok, you craft your equipment, and certain gears work across all classes to deal significant damage. Meanwhile, a core aspect of Diablo has always been creating the best gear to support any build you want to play.

With this context in mind, consider this: Diablo 4 today is so heavily restricted for older classes that it’s hardly feasible to enjoy them, while the new class has no limitations and some overpowered passives. The combination of multipliers and item stats has made the game confusing. Why do I need a “+” stat if it doesn’t increase my actual damage? What I really want are multipliers on my items. This was always a core appeal of the game. Today, I find it hard to enjoy and am gravitating toward games like Path of Exile, which offers more relevance and priority over Diablo 4.

If I want to play a critical build with WW (Whirlwind) without Dust Devil, I need some foundational stats to make my damage viable, like core skill damage. Similarly, if I want to play Rogue with Dance of Knives, I don’t want to rely on snapshots every time I get stunned.

Think of a way to give characters a primary source of damage multiplier to make builds minimally functional. This would allow players to focus on making builds enjoyable.

For instance, if I have a Barbarian that relies on Fury, then my base damage should come from Fury, and that should work. If I build Fury with critical, I have explosive damage and would focus on attributes like critical chance and critical damage. This would leave little room for attack speed, so I’d trade DPS for burst damage.

As a developer and gamer, I can see clearly that simpler systems are effective.

Today, Spirit Born has base damage with life barriers and sustain, while classes like Barbarian and Rogue lack viable builds. However, these classes share similarities. The Rogue, for instance, is both melee and ranged, like an archer-assassin hybrid. The assassin part should deal relevant burst or poison damage, but recent nerfs (such as to Andariel’s Visage) have weakened poison builds. Mages who want to play with Meteor lack multipliers to make this build viable; it doesn’t matter if I have 3k bonus fire damage if this doesn’t multiply my skill’s damage, which makes no sense.

In my opinion, as both a developer and gamer, simplifying the game would be beneficial. Remove additive damage stats and rely solely on multipliers, with a base cap (e.g., 10k) that all classes can reach from various sources. This would help balance damage for all classes.

Practically, it would work like this: as a Rogue who wants to play Dance of Knives, I need a base damage (such as critical, poison, cold, shadow, or Dark Shroud). I choose my base damage and reach a multiplier cap, like 5k from stats, with another 5k from the Paragon board and legendary nodes, totaling 10k damage in this build.

With this base established, the game can introduce aspects to make builds more fun (e.g., Dance of Knives procs twice, throws grenades during Dance of Knives, or now pierces targets). If I have 26k attack power, the skill can start by multiplying 500 of Dance of Knives by attack power, yielding 13 million damage. With all my multipliers, I could reach 130 billion damage. In this scenario, the build is viable and controlled, as all multipliers are known, allowing content to be balanced around this damage.

Currently, only one class has this kind of construction, while others are outdated. This could be fixed for the next season, but PoE already uses this concept. So, why play a game with broken classes when I can play another with similar mechanics where all classes work and are fun to play? Diablo 4 isn’t working today because there’s no solid foundation for new builds or theory crafting. You’ve essentially wasted this season, as one class can clear all content effortlessly, including Pit 150, bosses, and dungeons, without needing specific items like WoW bosses. Why not introduce unique dungeon gear that can only be acquired inside?

There are so many missteps despite having a wealth of content to build on. Innovate in the right areas – content, dungeon mechanics, new bosses. Add more complex mechanics to bosses, understand the damage output of characters, and you’ll stand up to any game. Remember, this is already the second disappointment under the Diablo name. Diablo 3 started similarly but was fixed, and I’m sorry to say that it’s now more enjoyable than Diablo 4.


The designer of the class really did make Spiritborn perfect even before it’s implementation which made it OP.

Knowing Blizzard they may actually nerf the other classes in the mid season patch.


As in like… a borg cube and such. Okay.

I really think that if they find a build that comes close to Spirt born it will be deleted from the game, not just nerfed

I don’t think they’ll make the same mistake with Paladin. “Whoops, let some bugs slip through the cracks again! Maybe we should have actually playtested the class a bit instead of literally zero!” I can’t imagine them doing that again.

But i think dont have another expansion for diablo 4 after this , and probaly dont have plans for Diablo 5 after this Expansion i really dont buy more expansions for loose all my main classes.

I’ve been playing games for as long as you bro, and I disagree. They need to fix class balance AND further develop the game. Your framing of “build out the game more before worrying about class balance / nerfs” is an L take. It doesn’t have to be either. They can – and must – do both instead of one or the other.


Rather the opposite. Way less multipliers, more additive dmg.

Aim at nothing in the game ever dealing more than say 100k dmg. Keep the numbers reasonable.


This is a way too , this is the promiss for this season , but i see more numbers now than the another season ? if is to make trillions damage make all classes viable to do

TLDR. What’s the summary of this look like?

So, your basis for writing all this is a broken class that trivialises everything in the game?

Besides, there was a time where you could do what you’re suggesting. You had the choice to pick a specific additive[+] stat like dmg to close enemies and make it your main source of dmg by choosing an aspect or a paragon node that made it multiplicative [ x]. Which meant your +400% dmg to close enemies was all of a sudden extremely powerful.

That concept was almost completely abandoned after the flop that was loot reborn. Why? Because all these useful stats like dmg to close, dmg to far, dmg to bleeding, dmg while berserking, etc. were gone from loot drops.

Any reason for trying to accentuate this so much? Maybe job plugging?

I’m also a developer and a gamer, I don’t develop games and would need to disagree with you on some points. First of as a developer I am screaming FIX THE BUGS! FIX THE BUGS! Always FIRST… Second, balance classes; third if you have 5 different types of damage, then give aspects that work with those damage types and let us know percentage of chance of each damage type. Really vulnerable damage is low percent chance by all current indicators yet vulnerable is the color of 90% of my damage? How, why?

Even dedicated streamers mention “vulnerable” but never mention the chance of applying vulnerable… The only real clear chance of anything we get in Crit.

Overpower is fixed 3% unless you get modifiers that 100% apply overpower; lacking in attributes that apply overpower…

They cannot simplify and remove without being in full sync.

I’m not sure this is going to have the effect you think it will. I’m pretty sure it’s just going to exacerbate problems.

I know you know that multipliers can blow out damage quickly. If you made everything multiplicative, players would obviously pick up as many as they could. You’d be doing something like 1 million damage by level 50, or at the very least it would make player damage extremely volatile because with enough multipliers, a simple weapon change could wildly change your damage output.

More predictable damage numbers. Not more chaotic.

i read the whole thing and that statement alone negated his claim of being a developer.

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For good. Because there was like damage on Fridays. And everyone wqs using vurneable damage before it was nerfed or smth i don’t really remember

I think the opposite. Remove all multipliers from the game and it becomes much easier to balance properly with only additive damage. Then make more fun and engaging things instead of everything being a multiplier.

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Haha i cant wait because i think you’re right.

Figure out your end game, where there is some sort of content that keeps a player invested beyond just the gearing stage.

Then worry about if the classes are equally balanced.

This. Or leave multipliers that comes only from skill auras or smth. And you can use only one multiplier at the time.

If one takes S1 starting point all that really needed to happen back then is nerf the 2 strongest things (Vuln. and Barber Heart), then adjust mob HP down accordingly to be more on par with other mechanics by almost a double-digit factor

Then add/invest into some organizing/adjusting loot (damage vs bleeding, poisoned, burning, cursed => vs Suffering), or (damage vs Chilled, Slowed, Impaired => vs Impaired), and (vs Stunned, vs Frozen, vs Immobilized => vs Immobilized)

Then all they really needed to do is invest a bit more into LH and Overpower, such as:

  • First hit after evade always Overpowers
  • Overpower happens twice in succession
  • Overpower does X% additional damage vs Elites
  • LH % chance vs Elites is doubled
  • All skills have their LH% increased by X%
  • All equipped LHs have their % increased by X%

And a few more generic:

  • Adaptive minimal damage
  • Bonus damage per Resource amount
  • Physical Mastery %
  • Spellpower %


What they did instead ? ring around the rosie and a whole rally between Paris & Dakar and all of that for what reason ? - to avoid doing the obvious i.e. nerfing mechanics that are most powerful

Really all those extra things that some may have been popular but definitely did damage to the game - density increase, calculations rework, itemization overhaul, e.t.c. e.t.c. e.t.c. => ALL OF THAT “Experimental gymnastics” just so that the strongest and most broken mechanics/builds stay broken

We’re at the brink of doing THAT SAME MISTAKE yet again lol

As others have said - Multipliers should be far and very few in between and most damage components (including totals) should be additive by nature

That way as many things as possible can and will stay viable, and for once we need some monster endgame evolution and/or specialization

P.S. - a bit about the Multipliers

The way I think of Multipliers is mostly just a few things:

  • Status buff [X% more damage to Stunned for ex.], it wouldn’t otherwise feel right if you have 25% more damage vs Stunned targets and you actually deal just ~5-6% more
  • Masteries (S1 had Masteries on gear such as “Pyromancy Skills deal X% more damage” or Cutthroat skills, e.t.c.) - those IMO are Masteries (they would’ve made it really nice if there was a Generic mastery buff - one for all Physical types of damage and one for all the Non-Physical ones so people could’ve chased Mastery overlap of some sorts)
  • vs-Specializers (such as 15%x more damage vs Elites, or 30%x bonus vs Flyers, whatever)

AND => that’s where all Multipliers should stop, everything else should probably be additional IMO