Dominate Glyph Overpower Change

Can this glyph just be changed to be a guaranteed Overpower after 20-25 seconds? The whole “don’t overpower” part of the scheme is counterintuitive.

But the other bonus is great.

Good, but incomplete. Bone Breaker Board incentivizes you to opt in to Overpower along with Earthstriker’s Aspect (& Aspect of Sundered Ground if you so decide), so it is just better to offer more sources of OP than less.

Alright, let’s change the primary bonus of the Dominate glyph. “Skills now has an extra 2% chance to Overpower.” Keeping the secondary bonus, would you still use the glyph?

I am not discounting the Bonus which gives a good chunk of Overpower, rather the “Additional Bonus” being everything but a bonus is the issue. As the poster below states, the ICD of Dominate is reset every instance in which you Overpower so you aren’t getting that “Additional Bonus” whatsoever.

Its akin to Imbiber Glyph which has a decent “Bonus”, but is otherwise goofed up because of its “Additonal Bonus” of Increase Potion Healing. We need more things to work rather than not, and balance there after.

For sure. The Glyph effect is garbage. I would argue however there are already too many sources or Overpower now that are easily accessible.

  • Earthstriker (on swap)
  • Bash (2H Blunt Crit x 4)
  • Banished Lords (300 Fury use)
  • Bonebreaker (12 seconds)
  • Blood Boiling (20 seconds)
  • Sundered Ground - Upheaval Only (25 seconds, can be reduced)

Most people are just taking Earthstriker, Banished Lords, and Bonebreaker which is more than enough. ES can gain OP almost every 5 seconds. BL every 3rd rotation of WW HoTA (6 seconds).

In my opinion they need to change the current Skills:

  • Earthstriker changed from Weapon Swap to gaining Key Passive, Walking Arsenal. Rate of Overpowers would Skyrocket for WA builds and give WA a bone.
  • Bash changed from single target skill to PbAoE. This would allow an immediate Overpower to be gained if you critically strike 4+ enemies. Now works with 1H and 2H Bludgeoning. The Overpower proc would have a 10 second CD after being consumed before another OP could be gained to prevent abuse.
  • Banished Lord’s - No Change
  • Bonebreaker - No Change
  • Blood Boiling - This Skill should be replaced with Bathe in Blood to help Channeling Builds like Whirlwind.
  • Sundered Ground - Changed to where when you OP with Upheaval, the target area creates a Quake for 5 seconds damaging enemies for X and increasing Overpower Damage by x50%. This would synergize with Earthquake and Bul’Kathos Aspects so if you have all 3 Aspects, Quakes would gain all 3 effects simultaneously.
  • Dominate Glyph Effect: Changed from giving you OP every 30 seconds you do not OP to whenever you Overpower, enemies take x30% more damage for 4 seconds.
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And I’m saying for balancing ‘reasons’ the primary bonus is the way it is currently. It’s garbage because the secondary bonus is just that good. Well… it could be every 20 seconds but let’s not go there.